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A/n- brace yourselves for this chapter.

Chapter 40

Damon and I spent the entire day mostly kissing and cuddling in bed, watching movies and snacking

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Damon and I spent the entire day mostly kissing and cuddling in bed, watching movies and snacking. All under his commanding. And as the birthday boy, I kind of let him get his way with things today. Thankfully, we had a reservation somewhere tonight, so around 6 PM we stopped being slobs and got up to get ready.

I took a shower and blow dried my hair before straightening it, making sure it was silky and pin straight. I turned around happily to see my hair reaching almost the very end of my back now. It had grown so much.

Then I finished my make up and went to pull out the sparkly black dress before slipping it on. It was a long fitting dress with a side slit up my left leg that went a little above mid-thigh. It had off the shoulder straps and the neckline was a V line that showed too much cleavage for my liking. But it was Damon who got this dress for me and I don't think I noticed the neckline when I told him I would wear it.

"Damon!" I called out for him.


"Come zip up my dress." I told him from behind the door and seconds later he walked in. His eyes took me in silently as he made his way behind me to zip up the back.

"How does the dress look on me?" I asked him nervously after he zipped it up. He looked at me through the mirror before gently turning me around to face him.

He eyed my chest and down my body as he spoke.

"So damn beautiful. But it's really testing my self control." He said huskily, his face dangerously close to mine. "Because it's taking every ounce of resistance in me right now to not rip it off your body and fuck you so hard you wouldn't be able to walk for days."

My heart beating increased and I bit my lip as I stared up at him, trying to form a factional sentence in my head.

"I won't stop you from doing that. But you can wait till we get back tonight, can't you?"

"Yeah. I can try." Then he placed his lips on mine in a soft, faint kiss that intoxicated me. I pulled away and took a step back to take him in. He looked so gorgeous, like always. It almost intimidated me.

"Also," I said eyeing him. "You look like the most handsome birthday boy in the history of birthday boys."

He let out a deep chuckle before he placed a gentle kiss on my head. "That was a very weird compliment, but I'm flattered. Thank you."

We left the house, and Ashton drove us to a very chick looking restaurant that looked almost too expensive to be comfortable. I felt like if I touched anything in this place I would stain it.

Damon placed a hand on the small of my back as the host lead us to the table Damon reserved outside on the patio. In fact, turned out Damon reserves the entire patio area. I mentally rolled my eyes at him. That was such a Damon thing to do. Unnecessarily doing the most.

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