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Chapter 39

I struggled to breath as I stared at the blood

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I struggled to breath as I stared at the blood. I felt someone entering the kitchen. I quickly scrunched the napkin into a ball and threw it into the trash.

I could feel Damon's presence from behind me, his hands on my arms as he neared me. His breath fanning my neck.

"What's going on, kitten?" He asked and I sucked a shaky breath in and turned out to face him.

"Nothing. My throat was burning a little. I think I'm getting a strep throat that's it." I lied and tried to smile. I didn't want to worry him. He was going to overreact.

He looked at me silently before nodding his head and placing a long kiss on my forehead.

"I will tell the maids to find you something for a strep throat. It's nothing to worry about. Let me know if you're feeling anything else, okay?" He asked and I silently nodded my head.

"I might go to bed right now. I'm a little tired. Should I wait for you?" He asked.

"No it's okay. Go rest. I'll probably stay with Amelia for a little tonight. You know she's leaving in a week." I replied. He rubbed my arm and nodded.

"Okay. Goodnight, kitten."

"Night." And he walked out of the kitchen. I bit my lip nervously and walked towards the tea pot, pouring myself tea before walking back to the dinner table.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked Amelia. She looked up from her phone and stood up, fixing her pajama shorts as she spoke.

"I'm kinda drained today, I woke up so early. We can have a movie night tomorrow?" She suggested and I smiled.

"Sounds good. Well, goodnight." I said and she returned the smile.

"Goodnight." And I watched as she walked back towards her room too.

I sat on the dinner table on my own quietly finishing my tea cup. Staring down at nothing in particular, trying to convince myself this was probably nothing. Even though I still felt some uneasiness inside of me. Physical uneasiness. It was weird and hard to describe. And it was nothing like pregnancy uncomfortableness, it was more of plain painfulness.

Should I go see a doctor?

"Luna, are you okay?" I jumped at the voice and turned to see Adriana picking up the plates. "You don't look very good."

Her short hair was down instead of being in a bun and it looked good on her. I gave her a smile and shook my head.

"I'm alright. Just feeling a little sick. But I'll be okay, it's probably nothing."

She frowned at my words and set the plates back down.

"Would you mind coming with me?" She asked and I hesitated before giving a small nod and standing up. Why would she want me to follow her? To where?

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