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Chapter 5

Two days have passed since I've been locked up in here. No one comes to see me except Damon, who enters occasionally every now and then to either leave me food or check on me. I didn't mind it being here on my own for too long though, at least I was safe by myself. I didn't wanna experience any more slapping or hair pulling from the old man if you ask me. And the room was nice. Too nice for someone who's being held hostage. It was dim and classy, with red furniture and a nice big chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

I laid on the bed and got comfortable, taking off my bra from beneath the shirt and took a nap. An hour or two passed and I was up again, and went to stand by the window, looking outside.

Finally I heard the doorknob shifting, and Damon walked in wearing a plain white shirt and sweatpants. It was my first time seeing him underdressed, and he almost looked too harmless right now. He walked in and shut the door behind him.

I stood in my place and waited for his next move. He walked towards me and stopped too close, then brushed his hand gently against my wound.

"How's your head feeling today? And did you sleep well?" He asked gently, dropping his hand. I don't get surprised by his nice tone anymore. He's been too sweet to me those past days. And as weird as it was, I wasn't going to be stupid enough to complain about why he's not treating me like trash since I'm held in here against my will.

I shrugged. "Yeah I slept well. And it feels okay. It hurts a lot less than yesterday."

He nodded. "Good." He took a seat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat, trying not to make eye too much contact with him.

"I'm going away for two days. So is my dad. Javier, the blonde guy you met before, will be the one taking care of you until I'm back. Promise me you'll be good, Luna." He said and I shifted towards him with a frown. He might be untrustworthy and all, but he's the only one who treats me like he genuinely cares about what happens to me here.

"Why are you leaving?" I asked. "Can't you take me with you?"

He sighed and shook his head. "I would've. But I wouldn't wanted to risk you being around my father for that long. He doesn't like you very much."

I bit my bottom lip and nodded. "What if someone here does something to me?"

"No one's going to touch you. Just don't try to run away or piss anyone off. All these men working for me got anger issues and you're the only woman we've ever held captive. We usually deal with men, so you can imagine how the treatment is." He said. So they do this more often? What are they? That sure as hell doesn't sound like business men work to me.

"Okay." I said, playing with my fingers. "Can I um.."

He looked at me patiently, waiting for me to go on.

"If I'm going to be locked in here for a while, i'm going to need to shower, you know. So um...I need like.. more types clothes." I said. I was almost desperate for a shower. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You need like, underwear?" He asked and i felt my cheeks heating up, so I just nodded and looked down at my hands. I heard him sigh and run a hand through his hair.

"Uhhh..." he paused. "Okay I can get something arranged for that. I'll have one of my men go shop for you, you'll have these 'types of clothes' and extra clothes in general by tonight."

I gave him a small smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, kitten." He said before standing up. I grabbed his hand quickly before he started leaving and let go of it right away when he stopped. I stood up in front of him.

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