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Chapter 41

Damon's POV

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Damon's POV

It has been 3 days and Luna still hasn't woken up. 3 days since I left this hospital. 3 days of absolute torture.

"It's called arsenic poison. It seems that she has been consuming small dosages of it over a period of time somehow, and it has been slowly damaging her internal linings where it eventually caused severe internal bleeding inside her digestive and respiratory system." Was what the doctor informed the night she was brought in.

Her condition was bad. He told me her body was fighting the poison but it seemed like it was already too late. She already had consumed too much of it. As unbelievably furious as I was about how the hell it happened, I couldn't be blinded by revenge yet. Her liver was failing and her body couldn't fight the poison if her liver becomes completely damaged. So I had to focus on being by her side first, until she wakes up again.

She can't leave me. She wouldn't do that to me. I believed in my little fighter, and I knew she was going to make it. She had to make it.

I refused to think I could lose her. I refused to believe there could be a life without her.

I sat on a chair next to her on the bed. I was only allowed to enter her room this morning. The past two days were too unstable for her to have any 'visitors'.

"Make it stop. It hurts." I felt my eyes watering at her words. Seeing her in so much pain and not being able to do anything about it.

"You're going to be okay, kitten." I whispered to her, trying to convince myself with those words. I leaned down to place a small on kiss her hand, before cupping it with my of my hands.

Her usual soft warm hand wasn't squeezing mine back, instead I only felt her now cold, motionless hand.

Her angelic face that was once glowing and full of life, was now blue and lifeless. A tear slipped from my eyes and I tore my eyes away from her face.

This is a nightmare. This was all a huge fucking nightmare.

Suddenly my phone rang I roughly wiped my hand against my face to wipe those damn tears before I answered.

"What Javier."

"Hey, Damon, uh.. I think we got a problem." He answered.

Just what I needed right now.

"What's going on."

"The security camera in your house caught what's her name.. Amelia.. trying to break in your office when you were gone. Michael and I decided to keep her locked up here until you deal with it."

"Good job." I said, glancing at Luna. "Listen, Javier, I'm going send you my location and I need you to come here right now."

"Sure. I'm on my way."

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