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Chapter 2


"Damon, I'm hungry" Javier whined. I gave him a look. "We just left the house 30 minutes ago, why the fuck didn't you eat?"

"I don't know about you but usually I kinda lose my appetite after I'm done with getting rid of dead bodies, that I killed" he shrugged. "kinda this weird thing about me"

I shook my head at his sarcasm and looked out the window. "Deal with it then, asshole. We're already taking off." I replied and shifted in my seat, getting comfortable.

"Ugh" he rolled his blue eyes dramatically and turned to Jones. "We really don't got no food anywhere on this jet bro? I'm starving."

Jonas looked up from his phone and shook his head. "We left at short notice. And it's barely a 1 hour ride. We didn't bring food. There's usually wine in the back though." He said.

Javier frowned, huffed and then slouched down in his seat, turning his out the window. I looked at the way he's acting in amusement. He can be such a kid.

"So.." Javier cut the silence after a while. "Why are we attending the's Princess' birthday again?" He paused and a boyish grin took over his face. "Also I can't wait to see what she looks like. When I was younger my sister and my mum would always talk about how beautiful and kind Avalon's princess was. But it's been a long while since she's been seen in public. It's weird as fuck."

I ignored most of his words about the princess or whatever. "There's many very powerful business men who are going to be all there tonight. It would have been dumb for me to not accept the invitation. And apparently the King requested me by name. We need to know what's it about."

"Didn't we already do enough talking with that man." His face hardened. I shrugged and replied "It's worth giving it one more try."

40 more minutes into the plane ride, my jet's captain started telling us to fasten the seatbelts for the

And we're here.



Adriana, my personal stylist and one of my very few "friends", if not the only, took the last strand of my hair and softly curled the ends of it. And in seconds, I was done. She added the tiara on my head as her final touch.

Looking in the mirror, I saw someone who I barely recognized. It's been years, literally, since I looked like an actual princess again. My lips formed into a small smile as I held Adriana's hand that was on shoulder.

"Thank you, love" I said. She smiled back at me and sighed. "You look mind-blowing, Luna. You will take breaths away, tonight. Happy birthday, girl." She said and placed a small kiss on my hair.

I took a deep breath as I stared at myself in the mirror. I can do this. As if on cue Adriana held my hands and pulled me up. "I know it has been a while but you will be fine, princess. You're stronger than any woman I've ever met."

This most probably was a lie. If I was strong, I wouldn't have locked myself up for almost 3 years. I nodded at her and held her hand tightly. "Let's do this then." I said with a smile.

It was almost 8 pm, and as I walked through the palace I started hearing chattering and music echoing through the walls. With two bodyguards behind me, I made my way to the curved stairs that led to our excessively huge ball room.I reached the stairs and instantly spotted many people talking, laughing, whispering. Here goes nothing.

I started walking down the stairs carefully, and halfway there I can already feel the eyes turning up towards me, as the flashing of some cameras started.

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