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Chapter 37

"I'm going to go talk to Damon." I informed Amelia as we entered the house.

"Should I leave room for you in my bed?" She asked and I looked at her for a moment before shaking my head.

"I'm not sure if that will be necessary." I replied.

"Okay, whatever." She sighed heavily. "Goodnight, Luna." She said and walked away, almost looking pissed off. I frowned at her back as she walked away.

What did I say wrong?

I asked one of the maids for Damon, and she told me was outdoor. After thanking her, I nervously made my way outside towards the pool area. I found him leaning his back against one edge of the pool, leaning his head back and his eyes closed.

I carefully made my way towards him, before stopping a few feet away. I started stripping down, leaving myself only covered by my olive green bra with matching panties.

The moment I placed my feet into the water, Damon's eyes finally opened and he turned to me, his face clouded by confusion by what I was doing. Regardless, once I fully carefully slid into the warm water, he started swimming closer to me.

"I just need to ask one thing from you." I told him right away. He stopped in front of me, trapping me between him and the wall behind me.

"Ask for anything." He said, looking at me carefully, trying to study my behavior.

"Tell me where were you yesterday. From the start to the end of the day." I demanded and he sighed quietly, looking past me.

I felt my heart race picking up. I feared he would say something different than what I heard. That would mean he was laying and covering up for something. But if he says the same thing as his driver and personal assistant, that means maybe Damon really hadn't done nothing, and a gigantic part of me truly believed in his loyalty to me. But I can never rely just on that.

"I left the house, got into the car, went to grab coffee from somewhere near the company's building. Went to work. Then I spent a few hours in my office working on investment reports that I had to look through before the meetings." He said before swimming a little closer to me. "And then the conferences started. Yesterday was a very important day for the company. Every allying company around the world that we have business with flies over to present how the merge is going on and discussing the entire year's work.  It was a meeting after a meeting and I was done somewhere around 8:30 before heading straight home. That was it, kitten."

I took a deep breath and looked into Damon's eyes, trying to figure out what to say or do next.

Javier wasn't lying. His secretary wasn't lying. And he wasn't lying.

But how?

"But how?" I repeated my thoughts out loud. "How, Damon? This doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't to me either." He said very quietly, as if speaking more to himself. He carefully and slowly placed his hands on my waist under water, pulling me closer to him.

"So am I forgiven? For something I swear I didn't and would never even think about doing?" He said. A part of me believed that it would be stupid of me to forgive him so easily. Because a lipstick stain and someone else's panties found on your man's belongings is the biggest red flag that could ever exist.

Yet, something bigger inside of me now was trying to confirm to me that he wasn't lying. Because Damon was anything but a liar. I had faith in him. I trusted him with my life. And I most importantly had faith in his love for me.

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