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A/N These few chapters are going to be mostly fillers over getting to know these two characters and just their relationship developing in general. Then it'll get a little more interesting ehehe.


Chapter 18

Luna's POV

Four days passed and we were out of the hospital, but not back to where we were staying in Santorini. Javier came two days ago, after Damon finally decided to contact him. During those past 4 days, I have insisted on staying at the hospital, despite Damon ordering Javier to take me back with him and to keep an eye on me till they release him. First of all, I wouldn't feel safe not being around Damon after what happened, second of all, there was no way in hell was I going to sleep in the same room as Javier. Alone.

We flew back to Athens, back to Damon's luxurious pretty apartment that we stayed at when we first came to Greece. To my disappointment, he's been extremely quiet and even distant since we left the hospital. I asked him if he was okay a few times, but he didn't seem like talking and I didn't feel like prying anything out of him yet.

Yet, it has been almost 5 hours since we've been back at his place and I realized that he's in fact, avoiding me now. He's currently in his bedroom, where he's been staying for the past few hours as I wandered around his place.

I put the book that was in my hand back on the shelf and huffed.

Whatever that was keeping him so distant, I didn't like it. At all. I was growing a little impatient. And after realizing that was enough space that I've been giving him for the past day or so, I made my way up to his room.

I softly knocked on the door twice, before opening it to see Damon laying on the bed, one of his forearms over his eyes and his other arm was still wrapped up to keep his shoulder area in place.

I walked inside, still noticing no response from him. He wasn't sleeping though, I could tell by his breathing pattern. I slowly got onto the bed, before gently placing my hand on his right arm.

"Damon, you need to talk to me." I stated quietly. I watched his chest rise, taking a deep breath. He moved his arms from over his eyes and turned his head to me, before looking back at the ceiling blankly.

"I can't. I can't do this." He muttered, his face almost expressionless. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean? Can't do what?" I asked. He didn't respond to me and shut his eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head towards me.

"Hey look at me." I said, his eyes opened. "What happened?" I asked more gently. His lips formed into a straight line and he shook his head lightly at me.

"I don't understand how you can't see it." He whispered. He's not making any sense right now and it pissed me off, but I just stayed silent, waiting for any elaboration.

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