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Chapter 45

Luna's POV

After the two men left, the doctor spoke up again.

"I know this must be hard. And it will get extremely frustrating. But you need to understand that it happens. In a few cases of people poisoned with very high doses of the toxin permanent sequelae include short-term memory loss or peripheral polyneuropathy." He said. "Thankfully, the peripheral nerves in your brain haven't been effected, which is a good sign. Meaning the memory loss might be mild and can be reversible. However, Luna, I need you to stay calm about this as much as you can. No matter under what circumstances, try not to put too much pressure on your mind trying hard to remember. You have to take it slow. Please. Wanting to know everything at once will cause trauma which will lead to permanent memory loss."

"Wait. I was poisoned?" My eyes widened.

"Yes. And unfortunately I don't have an answer as to why or how." He replied.

"Oh." What the hell happened to me.

"But I can't just.." I sighed and glanced at the door. "I cant leave with this man. He-he looks intimidating and dangerous. And what he's saying is impossible."

"I can confirm to you every word he just said, Luna. You need to trust him. This man has been losing his mind over you those past few days when you were unconscious. He wouldn't harm you." He said. I gave him a single nod and looked down at my hands.

I just need to see my family.

"Well, can't I see my family first?" I asked him.

"That is going to be something you'll have to ask your boyfriend about, sweetheart." He spoke with a small smile.

"Fine." I took a deep breath. "When can I get out of here?"

"We will be keeping you here for a day or two just to keep an eye on you and make sure everything is going okay. And in the meantime I will start prescribing pills to you that will aid in your memory recovery if you stay consistent on them." He said and I nodded.


"Very well then," he stood up and picked up his clipboard. "You need to get some rest tonight. I will be coming back to check on you in the morning."

"Thank you, doctor.. "

"Doctor Lorenzo."

"Thank you, doctor Lorenzo." I said and he smiled at me before leaving the room.

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes momentarily.

"God." I whispered, feeling the pounding in my brain.

The door opened again and the same man, Damon, apparently, walked in.

"How uh.. how are you feeling?" He asked, awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.

"Weird." I replied. He nodded and slowly walked towards the chair near my bed, keeping his eyes on me cautiously.

"I.. do you mind if I stay in here? I just need to keep an eye on you and make sure you're okay." He asked before sitting down. I looked at the chair then back to him, contemplating.

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