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Chapter 1

" Mademoiselle Luna, wake up it's almost 8 AM, your highness" I heard a voice waking me up from behind the door

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" Mademoiselle Luna, wake up it's almost 8 AM, your highness" I heard a voice waking me up from behind the door. I intentionally started squeezing my eyes shut, hoping to gain a few more minutes of sleep. My dream was nice. I wanted to see the ending.

A few moments passed until I heard the next "Mademoiselle..." Followed by three knocks "your father has been requesting to see you since the morning. Please wake up."

Since the morning? It's barely 8 am. I rolled over, my body facing the ceiling as I opened my eyes and let out a sigh. Looking at my right shoulder, I yawned, and shifted my eyes to admire the white dress hanging in front me. Another royal birthday ball, another hundred or two of fake rich people to impress, and another 5-6 hours of entertaining and socializing with mostly strangers that I have to pretend I'm very fond of.

Being a part of the royal family has been a full time job ever since I was like, 7. It's exhausting. And I blame Disney for creating such delusional ideas of princesses like that.

"I'm up, Angie. Inform him that I will be there in a minute." I said as I sat up, still staring at the dress. This year was different. Usually when birthday balls are thrown for me, the attention will only be on me for 10-15 minutes, before every politician or important business man and woman there takes the chance of benefiting off one another's presence as much as they can. But whats going to differ is the fact that I've been gone for the past 3 years.

I haven't been gone gone, I just haven't left the palace in three years, except a handful of times, where I was always disguised. I haven't attended any social events or showed up at any party that has been thrown at my own palace even. The story behind what happened is quiet long, and it is something I decided starting this year I was going to be fully over and moved on from. I'm turning 21, nowhere near a teen anymore and the responsibilities have been increasing on me as a princess. I needed to show myself to the public again. Three years were more than enough for me to pull myself up, and through my own and only help, I did it.

I got up from my bed, headed towards my bathroom and took a quick shower before I went downstairs to the dining room. I saw my father at the edge of the table already eating his breakfast and so was my mother sitting next to him.

"Wooow just like that you guys already started eating without me, on my birthday too." I said teasingly as one of our servants pulled my usual chair for me to sit. "I'm feeling special today." I said sarcastically.

"Good morning, baby." My mother shot me one of her kind smiles at me. "I sent breakfast to your room just moments before you showed up. I thought you might want to sleep in a little more."

"Oh how nice that sounds. Angie told me father wanted to speak to me, so I woke up right away. I thought it was urgent." I said diverting my attention to my dad. He nodded his head while cutting slowly into his French toast.

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