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Chapter 17

Cause we are who we are when no one's watchingAnd right from the start, you know I got youYeah you know I got you

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Cause we are who we are when no one's watching
And right from the start, you know I got you
Yeah you know I got you."
-Zayn, I won't mind.

I quickly knelt down next to Damon and placed my hand under his head, scanning his body in shock. He was shot through his shoulder, but it looked way too close to his heart to me. I felt the tears building up. I looked frantically around but yet no one was there.

"Damon, stay with me. Stay with me. Please." I begged, but his eyes were still shutting. I didn't have a phone, and I didn't know his password. Then my eyes caught two men walking out of the club who stared at the scene in shock.

"Please call the ambulance!" I said desperately to them. They looked at each other in confusion. They don't speak English. Fuck.

I tried signaling with my hand like a mad woman, pointing at Damon then making a phone signal with my hand. One of them got it and said something to the other, who quickly pulled out his phone and dialed someone. The two men kindly stayed with me till the ambulance came, one of them pressed his hand tightly against Damon's wound the whole time to keep him from bleeding any more.

The ambulance pulled up and picked up Damon's unconscious body, placing him into the back as I slid inside next to him, still not able to stop the tears from sliding down my face.

"God, please." I kept praying in my head over and over.

We reached the hospital shortly after, and they pulled his body out and into the building, rushing him into one of the emergency rooms.

"He's losing too much blood, get him doctor Alexander, now."  One of the nurses exclaimed at someone behind the desk as they pushed a door open, before another nurse placed an arm in front of me.

"You can't get past this door, ma'am. Please have a seat in this waiting area until someone comes to see you." He said in broken English. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and nodded, before sitting down on one of the chairs and placing my head in my hands.

I needed to call Javier. But I don't know his number. This is all too chaotic for me to handle. Damon was bleeding to death inside, and sitting here so helplessly was driving me crazy. I stood up and walked around in circles, trying to calm that damn waterfall from my eyes.

How did he get shot when no one was outside the club? There was not a single person in sight. And who would shoot Damon? I didn't have to be the smartest person in the world to guess that of course Damon must've had people that were rivals against him somehow, but how did they find out that he was all the way here in Santorini.

At least 4 hours passed, nurses coming in and out of that room all night, and it was almost 5 am when I finally saw a doctor coming out and stood in front of me. I got up quickly, my heart beating way too fast.

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