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Chapter 28

I felt weird

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I felt weird.

Like really weird.

My left side hurt. Under my lungs. And my left thigh burns. Was it my left? Yeah I think so. Also, I have a headache. A really bad one. And my shoulder hurts too. It's like my entire body is extremely sore from a terrible workout.

What the hell happened? 

I tried opening my eyes, but I felt drained. And what was I feeling so tired from?

I groaned uncomfortably, and I opened my eyes to be met by a bright white light.

am I...dead?

"Luna?" I heart a masculine familiar voice say. Damon. I blinked to get my sight adjusted. It feels like I haven't seen light in years.

I looked to my right and saw Damon kneeling next to me, his was face mixed between a sadness and hope. Where was I?

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him, then tried to give him a small smile as I felt him holding my hand in both of his.

"Hey." I said softly said. He gave me a small smile back.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked. Before I replied I tried sitting up before crying out in pain. What the fuck.

"Shhh, lay back down, it's okay, it's okay." Damon said helping me adjust again in my bed.

"W-what happened?" I asked. I looked around and realized I was in a hospital room. What?

It was like a blank space in my brain. I don't remember anything after getting into the car and driving, and seeing that very bright light before seeing nothing but pitch blackness after.

"You were in a car accident, kitten." Damon said, placing my thoughts together. I felt him pick up my hand and placing a soft kiss on top.

"But you're okay, baby. Very minor injuries. You'll be-"

The door opened, cutting Damon off, to reveal a middle aged man in a white coat, holding a clip board in his hand. 

"Oh the sleeping beauty finally awakens," he says, flashing me his perfectly straight white teeth. I tried to give him a smile back, but it came out weaker than I intended.

"I'm Dr. Paul. How are you feeling, Princess Luna?" He asked. I almost cringed at the title.

"Just Luna, please. And my whole body just hurts a little. And under my um.. lung area? That hurts there the most." I managed to explain. Talking is requiring a lot of energy right now.

"Yes, I see." He started writing a few things down before looking between me and Damon.

"So, before we get further into what you're feeling right now, we do need to discuss the outcomes of your accident, and I might need to discuss that with you in privacy." I furrowed my eyebrows at his words and gripped Damon's hand. I don't want to be alone in a hospital room with a doctor. Hospitals scare me and doctors scare me and it's like everything that comes out of their mouths are scary.

"No, please, can he stay? I need him here right now."

The doctor hesitatingly paused and looked between us before giving me a short nod and cleared his throat.

"Before we do that, I'm just going to give your bed a little lift so that you are sitting up straight. No action required from you, but your blood circulation needs that." He said and I gave him a nod. He clicked on something next to the bed and my back slowly started getting lifted until I was sitting halfway up straight.

"So, Luna, unfortunately you got into an accident approximately 23 hours ago, where you completely blacked out at the incident. The impact of the other vehicle merely focused on the left side of your car, your side. Thankfully, you did not get harmed anywhere above your shoulder line, the only injuries you have are a few bruises on your arm and your thigh, however, you did break one bone in your rib cage, explaining the pain you're feeling beneath your chest area." The doctor explained and I felt Damon's thing caressing my knuckles.

"However, Luna, there is one more thing." I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded at him to go on. Why did he seem so-

Wait, unless it was regarding-

"You're unborn child, Luna. The baby did not make it."


Was I hearing him correctly?

"The baby was still too fragile to make it through such an impact. When you came in and you went through the examinations, he was already gone. I'm so sorry for the loss." He explained again slower this time, and I was feeling dizzy all over again. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. Damon's hand squeezed mine.

"Can you give me a moment." I whispered. I heard the doctor sighing softly.

"Of course, I understand. I will be back in a bit." And with that I heard his footsteps, before the door of the room opened and closed.

It was a he. I placed my hand on my stomach and opened my eyes when I felt them burning with tears.

"He already told you?" I whispered to Damon, who's face looked like it was about to shatter out of sadness, but he didn't look shocked. He gave a small nod and kissed the back of my hand again.

"I'm so sorry, angel." Was all he said. I shook my head at no one in particular and let the tears fall.

"No, Damon." I said, "not my baby. H-he was just alive inside of me a few hours ago and you're telling me that he's just dead now and that-.. no, God, no"

Damon got up and pulled me in a hug, and I let the tears turn into sobs as I buried my face in his chest, gripping his shirt.

"He's gone, Damon. I killed him. I killed m-my own baby."

I felt his hands rubbing my back in circles and his arms gently tightening around me.

"Don't you dare say that, Luna. This isn't your fault, kitten." He said in a low voice. I pulled my head back and looked at him, I felt his fingers moving to my face, wiping my tears.

"We could have had a baby boy." I whispered, looking into Damon's eyes. "He would have still been alive if I didn't just drive more carefully. It's my fault my own baby's gone and it's also my fault that Albert gone, Damon, I can't keep-"

"Luna, breath, baby." Damon whispered lowly to me, focusing on me. I tried to calm down my sobs and steady my breaths.

"You didn't kill anyone. All of this was out of your hands. You had no say in it. It was simply meant to happen one way or another." He gently said, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "You're allowed to be grieve, but you're not allowed to blame it on yourself."  

I shook my head at him and closed my eyes.

"Our baby's gone."

It felt so terribly saying it out loud, that I just started sobbing all over again.

Damon was quick to pull me back again against his chest and slide his hand up and down my back. I slid my arms around him and gripped his shirt from the back.

"Shhh, it's okay, baby. It's okay." He mumbled into my hair.

"I wanted him, Damon." I said between my sniffles.

"I know, kitten. I know. I did too. But I'm here, and you're perfectly alive and healthy. We're capable of making more babies you know."

"It doesn't work like that."

"Yes it does. Give it one more week for you to recover a bit more and I'll fill you up with as many sperms as I could every damn night."

I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped my lips. Men think in funny ways. I sniffled and pulled him closer to me.

"I love you." I whispered. He placed a kiss on top of my head and sighed.

"I love you way more, angel."

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