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A/N. Disclaimer since I received a message about this:

before anyone starts thinking Luna's 'easy' or she's 'giving in too fast'.. here's the thing;
These two characters met, are both really attracted, and a fine ass man is treating her good. I didn't want to add any useless "I'm hard to get" games in my book because well, if the mutual attraction is there, no need for the games.

Also, as you might have noticed so far, Luna plays a really soft, gentle character. Not all Wattpad girls need to be stubborn and hard headed.

That's it. Lol. Enjoy!❤️

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Night time came, and I was standing near the edge on the deck staring out at the view. The moon was big and full tonight, and the stars were beautiful. I enjoyed the cold breeze, listening to Ariana grande's voice as moonlight played. I loved it up here. It was such a vibe.

I wondered what my mum and dad are going through right now. I wanted to just send my mum a text, to tell her I'm okay. The thought of them feeling stressed or worried over my disappearance hurt me. And suddenly I was feeling homesick all over again.

But then I felt a pair of hands placed on my waist from behind. I jumped and quickly shoved myself away and turned around, my eyes wide. But then I relaxed and a smile took over my face. I saw Damon standing in front of me.

He gave me a small smile and wrapped his arms around my waist again, pulling me in a hug. I didn't expect the hug, but I hugged him back nevertheless, and closed my eyes, breathing in his scent.

"I've missed you, kitten." He spoke, resting his chin on my head.

I blushed, but couldn't respond. I missed him too.

We stayed like that for a while, before I broke away, his arms still around me as looked up at his gorgeous face. 8 days were too long for him to be gone.

"Why do you leave so much." I asked with a frown. He tugged back a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I had business to take care of. I was thinking about you this whole week, though." He replied back after moments. A shy smile formed upon my lips. Oh?

"How was your trip?" I asked. He frowned a little.

"It was stressful. But it went fine." He simply said. "How have you been over here?"

I almost laughed. "I mean, I wake up, I eat, read one of the weird books Javier gives me, then sleep again. Not the most eventful routine."

"Have you been eating properly though?" He asked. I nodded.

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