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Chapter 30

A smirk took over Damon's face as my mother stood there in shock

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A smirk took over Damon's face as my mother stood there in shock.

"Luna, I would have never in my life, thought that you could be this stupid or naive!" She exclaimed and I noticed Damon's face harden and jaw clenching, but thankfully he kept quiet.

"I'm not stupid for choosing what makes me happy for once in my life." I replied. She shook her head at me, and walked over slowly closer to my bed.

"Its either us, or him. For good. Because once you make your decision, I promise you, neither your father nor I will ever be in contact with you again. This will be it, Luna." She threatened, before adding. "How do you think the country will survive without all the duties you carry? And you can't possibly think you can live successfully on your own can you?"

I took a deep breath, feeling my head getting lightheaded from this conversation.

"You still have two years of college to finish. Once you leave you will not have the money to finish your education. To the outside world, you're nothing but a spoiled girl who knows nothing except for politics and how to properly drink tea. You don't even know how to grocery shop for God's sake! You think you can live the rest of your life on your own?"

I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes momentarily.

"Mother, I can't do this right now anymore. Can we talk when I leave the hospital?" I asked. "But please don't expect a different decision from me."

She picked up her back and sighed heavily, softly shaking her head.

"I will be waiting for you at the palace. This won't be mentioned to your father, I will deal with your absence until then. This will give you time to think about what the hell you just said." She said and opened the door, pausing to look back at me. "I really hope you're smarter than this, Luna."

And with that she left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and leaned my head back, coving my face with my hands.

"Jesus." I muttered. I felt the bed dip, and I removed my hands to see Damon sitting next to me, placing his hand on my leg that was beneath the hospital's duvet.

"You know.." He started, a small grin on his face. "I never expect you to worry about any grocery shoppin-"

I threw one of the pillows at him and lightly laughed.

"Shut up." My smile fell a little at the thought of what she said. She wasn't wrong. "You know it's much more than that."

He took his lips between his teeth and nodded his head, taking my hand in his before shifting his body and laying back next to me, pulling my smaller body against him.

"I'm a one selfish asshole, but you don't understand what I'd do to keep you with me forever. And I know you can't help doubting but you need to know that never in my life a woman, or anyone really, had me wrapped around their finger like you. I was excited about having a family with you, Luna. If that doesn't tell you how serious I am about you, I don't know what will."

I slowly looked up at him and palmed his cheek.

"I don't want you to feel that way. I'm not hesitating because of you, Damon. I just..it's not an easy step. I am leaving so much behind. She's not wrong. I'm not sure if I'll be able to actually live on my own. I am spoiled, in a way." I said quietly. His eyes brows furrowed.

"Has she always caused you to doubt yourself this way? You can manage a life in the outside world, Luna. No matter how your life was inside that palace." He said, his fingers brushing hair out of my face. "You've got me. And I'll help you finish college if that's what you want. Hell, you can restart all four years if you would like. And if you just want me to let you come work with me straight away, we'll do that too. Not all what I do is illegal, kitten. I still have my business everywhere, you don't have to worry about finding a job."

I sighed and studied his face. His gorgeous face. What did I do to deserve him?

"What about the responsibilities I'm leaving behind? What if the person who rules Avalon after my parents retire is a bad person? I'll forever blame myself if anything harms my people."

"I admire you for thinking like that. I really do. But have you thought about how many other royals around the world before you gave up their status before? You're not going to be the first, Luna. Choose yourself for once."

I was thinking about his words, before a small smile tugged at my lips and I leaned my head up to peck his lips.

"You're opinion might be a little bit biased, but I'll take it." I said against his lips. He laughed and connected our lips again.

"Damn it, I thought you wouldn't notice." He joked after he pulled away. I laughed lightly at him and shook my head. Then a knock came to the door and I tried to shove him away.

Dr. Paul opened the door as Damon started getting up from next to me. I remember him specifically telling Damon to stop getting into my bed, and I know for sure he noticed Damon getting up.

Dr. Paul gave him a look before turning to me with a smile.

"Ready for a few examinations today?" He asked and I just gave him a weak smile and a nod.

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