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Chapter 29

"Come around like the summer timeYou bring bright light into my lifeWhen I'm with you I feel alright

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"Come around like the summer time
You bring bright light into my life
When I'm with you I feel alright."
-GASHI, Creep On Me


"You know what I'm kind of pissed off about, though?"

I heard Damon randomly say, breaking the comfortable silence. He was currently laying on my hospital bed next to me, his arm around my head where I rested it on his chest. I looked up at him.


"We never got to have pregnancy sex." He said and I instantly turned red. I shook my head at him and looked away.

"No, Damon."

"No what? I would've loved to see some crazy hormonal side of you. I heard pregnant women get like..all horny and shit."

"Well.. that wasn't a lie."

"Did you do anything about that?"


"When you got all horny, what did you-"

I pinched his arm and he let out a dramatic "Owwww."

"Stop it."

"Fine fine." He chuckled.

"Stay here." I heard a familiar voice order from behind the door. Moments later, the door flew open to reveal possibly the worst person to see me in this position at the moment.

My mother.

Her eyes landed on Damon and they widened. Somehow keeping his cool, Damon calmly removed himself from me and got off the bed.

"Luna, care to explain what's this." She said and for a moment I was thinking that if she was made of stone, she would have cracked by how much she was desperately trying to keep herself together. I could see and feel the anger and confusion radiating off of her.

"Mother-" I was cut by the door opening by one of her guards, letting Dr. Paul in.

"Y-you're highness." He stuttered as he spotted my mother, bowing his head. She turned to him and her cold face instantly turned into a gorgeous smile.

It sent chills up my spine. It looked almost creepy how she can fake her emotions so damn well.

That was one of the trillion reasons I dreaded being a part of the Royal family.

"I believe you're Princess Luna's doctor, very pleased to meet you, but I would very much appreciate a moment with my daughter in private at first.." she smiled. "If that won't cause any harm."

"N-no! Of course not, Queen. I will be right outside." He gave her a smile and hurried out of the room. Once the door clicked shut, her eyes turned to Damon and I, giving me the scariest glare I have ever received. I glanced at Damon to see him standing up straight next to my bed with his arms crossed over his chest, not intimidated in any way by her presence.

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