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Chapter 14

I felt the bright light beaming through the window

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I felt the bright light beaming through the window. I fluttered my eyes open. Then they landed on Damon who laid sleeping peacefully next to me, his arm still wrapped around my waist holding me in place. How can his grip be that tight even when he's asleep?

I couldn't help admiring his face. I still remember the first time I saw him, how unbelievably attractive I instantly thought he was. Crazy to think he's right now sleeping next to me like right now. Who would have thought? But it was such a sight to wake up to, really. I moved my head again to rest back on his chest, feeling too comfortable to move yet.

A few moments later I felt him shift around and wrapped his other free arm around me too. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the position. Those goddamn butterflies. God, the way he made me feel so safe by just a simple embrace like this. 

"You're up." I heard his voice speak up after a few minutes later. His morning voice was extra deep right now, and it was a lot to handle. I looked up at his face and nodded.

"I've been up for a little." I replied. His sleepy eyes looked at me before he smiled a little.

"That was probably the best sleep I've had in years, Luna." My heart warmed at what he said. I gave him a small smile back.

"I can say the same." I said and wrapped my hand over one of his arms that were around me, before moving my head and laying it back down on his chest. We stayed there for a while, neither of us moving or saying a word, just enjoying one another's presence.

"What are we doing today?" I broke the silence.

"I have somewhere in mind to take you for dinner. But we can do whatever you want during the day." He replied.

"Okay. We should go swimming on that pool that was on the rooftop. It looked really nice." I suggested.

"Of course, kitten." He replied.

"Wait, actually, never mind. I don't have any swimwear. We should maybe explore the island instead or something." I said.

"You really think I was going to bring you somewhere like this without a swimming suit? I have some for you in one of the bags. Probably the blue bag. And I also have a dress for you, I want you to wear it tonight." He said. I moved my head to look at him and stretched my neck to peck his lips.

"You're amazing, you know that? And okay, of course I will." I said with a smile and started wiggling out of his grip. "Now actually let me go get ready."

"Fine." He huffed out and untangled his arms from around me. I got up and walked over to the blue bag and unzipped it, looking for the swim suits he mentioned. I found bunch placed together. Different colors and designs. I chose a white bikini top with crossed straps from the front that went around the neck, which matched with a simple white bikini underwear. Then I opened my other bag and pulled out a short pink summer dress to wear over it.

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