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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

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It was 1:35 AM, and I still couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts we're racing through my mind, and it's all because of her.

I turned my head and glanced at her. She was truly the most beautiful and delicate woman I've ever met.

And when I say beautiful, I mean truly the most gorgeous female I have possible seen.

I have interacted with women from all around the world, yet I've never met anyone as soft and divine as this girl sleeping in front of me. She had such an angelic aura to her that attracted the demon inside of me like nothing else. Her presence now was in every possible way addicting to me.

I was in a way glad she insisted on not telling me today who touched her without her consent. Who fucked her, when she didn't want it. I felt my blood boiling, and I knew that if she had told me what happened, I wouldn't have fallen asleep tonight without making sure that man was dead. Gone for good.

And I calmed down by convincing my self that I already got so much on my plate right now. We both did. That guy was going to pay for it, when the time was right. But over my dead body was he going to stay alive after what he did.

Just the thought of someone forcing himself on her, touching her, kissing her, getting inside of her, all when she was fighting it, drove me insane. I wasn't able to get any of it out of my head.

A few minutes later I pulled out my phone, texting one of my business partners to cancel our conferences for next week. I decided that I had something planned for her.


I woke up earlier than usual and saw Luna still asleep. God, she was too beautiful. I decided to take a shower and make her breakfast. Or well, try to make one. I never cooked before.

Last time I've been at this was place was almost two weeks ago, so I made sure everything I tried cooking wasn't expired. I found what I needed, and attempted making French toast and bacon. I pulled up some YouTube video and started following what they did.

Twenty minutes later, I was blowing out the smoke with a piece of cardboard. I was frustrated, not knowing what the fuck did I do wrong. I followed what was said, and it seemed pretty damn simple too.

I sighed and pulled out cereal and milk. This will have to do. And just as I grabbed the bowls, I saw her walking slowly to the kitchen, an innocent smile on her face as usual.

"God, what did you burn? I'm surprised the smoke detector didn't go off yet." She said before tiptoeing and kissing my cheek. I could most definitely get used to this.

"I tried making breakfast." I said, "highlight the word 'tried'."

She laughed lightly and sat one one of kitchen stools, facing me. Then she started pouring cereal in the two bowls. "I mean, cereal sounds perfectly fine. But I would love to know how did you manage to burn breakfast food,"

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