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Chapter 35

"Aside from all what I told you, he was actually kind of short too

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"Aside from all what I told you, he was actually kind of short too." I told Amelia. She scrunched her face and laughed.

"Ew, Jesus. It would have been more humiliating for you to accept the ring than to reject him. You made the right move, sis." She said taking a bite of her sandwich. I shrugged and sighed.

"Being with Cameron was a nightmare." I mumbled and she nodded her head. I left out the part where he decided to tie me up to a damn bed and rape me. I was nowhere near comfortable telling anyone that. Damon is the only one who knows and I want to leave it at that.

"I can tell." She said.

It has been a little over two weeks since Amelia has been staying in Damon's house. Her and I were spending a lot of time together and I didn't mind it, she was fun, bold, outgoing and easy to talk to. I also started working with Damon in one of his companies, but only online. He said he didn't want me working there until we were married, or at least engaged. He didn't elaborate why, so that caused a day or two of fighting between us. Which actually had him sleeping on the couch one of these nights. But we talked it out shortly after, and I agreed before starting my new job.

Also during those past two weeks, Damon and I have been more sexually active than we ever were before. Which isn't a surprise, because the first time we ever had sex, I was literally kicked out by him the next morning, and the next time we met again after months, I ended up in a hospital for two weeks, and I was still recovering for a while after I left. Now that we live together, the sex was too good that we had it almost every other night if not every night. Occasionally twice a day, before Damon goes to work and after he comes back.

And most nights it was almost like a stress reliever to him, but I didn't mind it. I loved being his reliever. He does a lot at his job, or jobs, and I admire him for that. Yet despite how much he would need me some nights, he would still never push me or even coax me any time I tell him I'm too tired or my body is too sore.

"I can see that you and Damon are like a perfect match, though. You guys never fight." She said picking at her banana slices.

"That's not true. It's just always small fights. And we're both good at communicating, so we talk things out. That's it." I corrected her and she looked up at me.

"He's obviously only good at communicating with you. Damon is a kind of a huge jerk to literally everyone else." Her tone was annoyed, and I couldn't blame her.

No matter how many times I would try to convince Damon to be nicer to others, he dismisses me and tells me not to worry about it. But ever since I've been living here, I really noticed how bitchy and bossy he was towards everyone, including Amelia. It was almost like when him and I were alone, he transforms into that completely different person than the one he is around other people. It bothered me to see him so rude sometimes, and it worried me because I couldn't put a finger on which side of him was his real self.

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