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Chapter 11

And that was it

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And that was it. I swear I can feel my heart hurting. I can feel it all too much.

I looked at Damon. He looked sad for me.

"That look on your face is exactly why I didn't want to tell you, Luna." He said, moving my hair out my face. My eyes got tearful.

"I don't understand." I said, breathing slowly. He sat there quietly looking at me before he spoke.

"When you were around 6, your uncle died and your father had to be a king instead, since your uncle had no kids, and your father was the second eldest. But you probably already know all that," he said.

"What you don't know is, my father and your father go way back. Before your uncle died, your father was.... lost. He wasn't nowhere near who he is now." He paused. "Louis wasn't necessarily a part of no mafia, but he was extremely close to my father. He helped with running almost every illegal business that my father had. Louis was an extremely important business partner to my dad. But again, it was their friendship that had them so close before any business." He continued.

"When your father had to be a king, he didn't instantly drop all the illegal business he had going on. It took him around 4 years to completely change and stay away from any dirty work he used to do. And through that, him and my father were still on good terms. That's until a few years ago, that begun to change. He started using all the information he previously knew about my father against him. Louis started messing really bad with my dad's job." He explained.

"I won't go in details with this one, but very recently, Louis took an action that made my dad lose millions of dollars. And a few days after your birthday party, your father took a similar action like the one he took before. But that one caused my dad to lose way more money than he did last time. That's why he decided to use you against him. Because.. well, what else can he use against a whole king to make him stop. Your dad has too much power." He finished.

"But wasn't your dad not a part of the Sicilian mafia anymore? How can my father still try use that against him?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes he isn't, but that's not what was held against my dad. The business I own and the mafia I run has nothing to do with what he does anymore. He has his own thing going on, not a mafia, but that doesn't mean that any deals he did in the past or some of the relations and connections he still has can't be used against him to ruin any type of business he runs right now." He responded.

That was a whole lot to take in. I was getting a headache. This was all too complicated.

"I get that, like, they both have completely opposite jobs now. But there's more ways for my dad to stop him without switching up against his friend like that.Why would my dad turn against him from the begging?" I asked. He shrugged.

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