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Chapter 4

The princess is up

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The princess is up." He said with a scary smile. He came inside followed by three men, one that took my breath away this time. Damon?

What is going on?

I was quiet. Scared. I didn't even try moving. I was simply frozen, just sitting there with wide eyes that started tearing up. Traumatized. They can't hurt me. Not them too. Why can't people just leave me alone.

"Awe our little princess is crying?" He said mockingly and glanced at the men behind him before coming closer to me. My eyes turned to Damon, and he just stood there with a blank expression.

"You're not having fun?" He said touching my face. I moved my head, attempting to push his hand away. Tears started flowing out my eyes. I wanted to scream out to him not to touch me, to beg him even, but that damn cloth was still in my mouth.

"Well I wasn't having much fun either when your father decided to sell me out and hurt my business and my men the way that he did." He said as his face hardened before mumbling "Despite all those years."

He sighed and stood there calmly before I felt a sharp slap against my face. My face was burning. He fucking slapped me.

"Dad." I heard Damon snap. Enzo ignored him as he took a fistful of my hair and forced me to look up at him. "I will make him pay for it, a hundred times worse than what he made me go through."

I looked up at him with fear, not knowing what is he talking about or what is he going to do with me.What the fuck did my dad do?

"Just let her go, Enzo. Damon will handle it." I heard the other blonde man say quietly.

Still glaring at me, Enzo said "I'm done with you for today, princess." Before letting my hair go and walking outside, leaving me with the other men.

The same man with the blonde hair walked closer to me and untied the cloth that was over my mouth. I instantly spoke "Just please let me go, I was not a part of any of this. Please." I said with tears threateningly to fall out of my eyes.

"We know." He coldly said before walking out of the room and leaving me with Damon and another man who stood calmly next to the door, motionless. Damon grabbed a chair and placed it in front of me and took a seat, resting his elbows on his knees. He looked at me with an emotionless face. Here I was geeking about how attractive this man was for the past few weeks just to be kidnapped by him and his father. Talk about having a great taste in men.

"How is your head?" He asked.

"Damon, let me go please. You can't hurt me. I didn't do anything." I begged. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath.

"Luna, how is your head?" He asked again. This weird psycho. I shook my head at him, is he serious?

"None of your business ." I snapped.

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