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Chapter 43

In probably less than 10 minutes I was back to the hospital, almost crashing into other cars at least 4 times on the road

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In probably less than 10 minutes I was back to the hospital, almost crashing into other cars at least 4 times on the road. I felt desperation that I never knew I was capable of feeling before. The way my heart was tugging and my mind was racing had me losing every bit of sanity left in me.

I quickly parked my car and almost ran inside the building, making my way to the 3rd floor where her room was. I passed down the pale blue hallways till I reached the familiar room.

I saw Javier standing outside, his arms crossed, leaning against the wall as nurses came in and out of her room. I passed by Javier and tried to open the door, but he placed his hand in front of me and pulled me back.

"Hey, hey, relax. Let them do their job." He tried telling me but I pushed his arm away.

"Fuck that, I need to see her." I said and tried moving past him again but he wouldn't budge. "Move!"

"Damon, there's nothing to see! The doctors are in there with her, just try to relax! For her sake!" He snapped and I roughly pushed him off my body and walked to the other side of the corridor, running a hand through my hair and tugging at my roots. This can't be real.

"What happened." I said looking at Javier. He didn't seem like he was in a much better state either.

"Nothing. Literally nothing. I was sitting on that chair next to her before I started hearing beeping out of nowhere. The line went flat so I immediately called on the nurses and they rushed me out. I think they've been doing AED on her ever since." He said and I swear I felt my world crumbling. Like everything was falling apart. I was falling apart.

She can't leave me. She can't let go like this.

I stood next to her room, those few minutes passing by felt like hours. I was hoping for a miracle. I prayed for a miracle.

At last, a doctor and three nurses came out of the room, the grim looks on their faces telling me all what I needed to know. Instead of acting rationally, I gripped the doctor's apron and slammed him against the wall.

"You better not tell me your let her die, cause I swear to God you-!"

"Damon, stop! It's not his fault!" Javier roughly pushed me off the doctor who simply looked terrified yet in despair.

"We did everything we can. I'm so sorry. You can go see her one last time. We'll give you a few minutes." The doctor muttered, his brown eyes filled with guilt. I pushed past everyone and walked into the room.

My heart shattered at the sight. Her body was pale. Paler than I've ever seen her before. Her face was blue, looking like all life was drained out of her. I slowly walked over to her, not believing that this was happening. It couldn't be.

I grabbed a chair sat beside her, taking one of her hands into both of my warm ones. It didn't take long before I felt hot tears running down my face as I took her frail state in.

This can't be real.

"I'm sorry." I managed to say after gathering sudden burst of emotions. "I'm so sorry."

My lips formed into a thin like as I felt more tears running down my face. "This is my fault. I know I'm selfish and I never deserved you but you can't-"

I sniffled and placed a kiss on the skin of her hand, feeling my hands shaking.

"You can't leave me, Luna. Jesus, I can't live without you and you know that. You know you're my everything and I would lose it without you. I can't live a life where you're not with me, kitten. We tried to stay away and we both couldn't. But now-" I paused and squeezed her hand. "Now you're trying to leave me for good and I won't be able to deal with it. I don't want to accept this."

I drew a deep breath in, looking at her face that still managed to look so damn stunning despite everything.

"If you can hear me, I want you to know that.. that I'm never letting this go. Everything that has happened from the moment I laid eyes on you, till this second, I will not let any of it go. And I'll make sure that every soul that ever dared to cause you any pain suffer. I will make them all go through hell on earth. I promise you I'll-"

I shook my head at myself, my eyes burning with more tears.

"Fuck this, Luna. I don't even want to think about revenge. Because I don't want to accept this. I want you, angel. I need you to wake up. We-.. we had plans. We had goals and we've both through so much, it can't end this way."

I glanced at the ring on my finger.

"Those rings say that we'll fight the world for each other. And we both did. We fought so much, kitten, and the fact that when I couldn't keep you safe after I finally got you kills me. The fact that you went through this much pain because I failed to protect will haunt me and keep eating me alive till the day I die." I sighed and brought her hand up to my lips.

"We were supposed to grow old together. We were supposed to spend the rest of my birthdays together. Now that day will be the one day I dread the most. The day that reminds me of how I failed you, and the day that reminds me that I'm growing old without you. Even though we.."

I paused and looked down at her ring, feeling my heart clenching even more.

"We planned on getting married and starting a family, remember? We planned on having many kids of our own running around the house. I even had in mind to eventually drop the Mafia work to focus on you and the family we were going to create. Because I knew my safety worried you too much. I was willing to do everything to keep you happy, kitten. I had so many plans for you. For us. None of it that included you dying on me."

Saying it out load caused a different kind of pain in me. I wanted to hold her body against mine and just sob. I needed her small arms to wrap comfortingly around me again as her soft fingers played with my hair.

I wanted to hear her voice telling me that everything will be okay. That she's right here. Providing with that feeling of unconditional love and comfort.

Luna was the light in my life that I never knew I needed. Or even wanted. She drew me into her little world that was full of gentleness and kindness, always from the cold and heartlessness of mine before her.

I would have never thought a day like this would come. A day would I would be sitting here crying over the love of my life who I let slip past my fingers because of my selfishness. Because I knew that in order to call her mine, I had to risk her into the world I'm pulling her in. But I believed I could keep her safe. I believed I would be able to do anything to keep her close to me and happy.

But I was wrong. I was so wrong.

"I'm sorry, baby." I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and let my thumb caress her hand. "I love you. I love you more than I thought I'd ever be able to love someone in my life. And I just want you to know that you'll always have my heart. No one on this earth will ever have my heart th-"

I froze.

I looked down at our hands. Her fingers moved. I swear I felt her fingers move. My eyes widened as I glanced up at the monitor that suddenly started beeping again, but in different tones.

Her heartbeats were.. back.


A/N I deserve a kiss.

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