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Someone messaged me saying they think Taylor Hill would be fit perfectly for Luna's role and honestly, that works too. She does fit lool. Again, it's all up to whatever ur imaginations want cuties.

Chapter 31

Luna's POV

-2 Weeks Later-

"I, Luna Grace Hamilton, swear to keep every denationalized matter regarding our beloved Avalon confidential, despite emancipating my royal status." The priest said. I had my right hand raised, as I repeated his words.

"I, Luna Grace Hamilton, swear to keep every denationalized matter regarding our beloved Avalon confidential, despite emancipating my royal statue."

As I said that, a man in a black uniform came forward, took the tiara from over my head and placed it on a fancy red cushion. Once he did, the priest spoke again.

"Now, Luna Grace Hamilton, you are no longer the Crown Princess, Heir, or Royal representative of our beloved land. You are now officially a common citizen of the kingdom of Avalon."

The priest said and I watched as the crowd's face fell.

It broke my heart. Shattered it to pieces, knowing that some people out there still somehow took pride in taking me as their Princess. But this had to be done. I gave the people a sad smile. And nodded once at the priest.

"And I, Luna Grace Hamilton, accept my altered social status." I said and with that, he raised his hands up to dismiss the ceremony. I watched as my parents sat on their thrones, watching me with angry-sad expressions. I broke my gaze away from them, feeling shame somehow creeping up again.

This had to be done, Luna. You're free now. I reminded myself.

I am free now.

After the ceremony ended, I walked outside the palace towards the familiar white Mercedes G-Wagon, that was filled with bags and suitcases. My personal car and my belongings. This was really it now.

I took one last look at the palace feeling my heart clenching. As much as it felt like a prison in there, I still had too many memories inside. The thought of never being able to enter it again broke my heart. The goodbye gathering I had with all the maids and cooks of the palace brought tears with my eyes, knowing I still grew up with these people and some of them were too close to my heart.

I turned on the engine and fixed my rear mirror.

But I'm free now.

I pressed the gas and took off, driving towards the airport. As I arrived towards that one terminal, I passed by the gates after I showed them my ID. Then I drove till I found the familiar black range rovers next to Damon's white jet.

I put my car in P and turned it off, opening the door and jumping out to see Damon wearing black dress pants and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up a little, under a black vest. He stood straight in front of his car with his arms crossed, with his men next to him all waiting for me.

I shut the door behind me and walked towards him with a small smile.

"Hey." I said.

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