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This is just a picture of the lingerie set mentioned. No mature content in this chapter yet. Not until the next chapter.


Chapter 21

Damon's POV

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Damon's POV

"I love you." She said so quietly, as if she was almost sad about it. But nevertheless, I didn't overthink it and allowed myself to feel that rush of happiness running through my body. I don't think i've ever felt this happy in my life before. I shook my head at her in awe.

"And I'm so fucking in love with you." I said and dipped down and crashed my lips on hers. I felt her faint smile against my lips, and I wanted to growl at how beautiful that was. She kissed me softly and gently, like usual, but I kept deepening the kiss, pressing my lips harder in need and running my tongue along hers, just not getting enough of her.

After a while I felt her pull away and resting her forehead against mine, her chest rising and falling slightly faster than normal. Yeah that was a one long make out.

"I'm kind of really tired," she mumbled. I smirked.

"Yeah that tends to happen after someone, you know.." I trailed off. I wanted to say 'cums', but I knew Luna was still too shy to talk about those types of things out loud. I loved that innocent side of her, it was adorable.

"Oh god, shut up." She muttered and buried her face in my chest, knowing what I meant. I laughed, hugging her tighter against me.

A few minutes later, I felt her breathing slowing down, and her grip on me loosened. She was asleep. I placed a small kiss on her hair and reached out to grab my phone from the nightstand, careful not to wake her up.

I opened it and checked my messages. There was too many from a shit load of different people. I mentally groaned. It's almost like no one can do their job without having me stay on their asses about what to do and how exactly to do it all the time.

I opened Liam's chat. Thats what I cared about right now.

2 new messages

Liam: We've got him.
Liam: *1 attachment*

I downloaded the picture to see a sight that made me smile. Wow, these guys were fast. They deserve a raise.

A guy was laying on the floor, face looking extremely bloody and beaten up that for a moment I thought he was dead. But I instructed them specifically, to keep him alive till I fly back and handle him myself.

Jaxon really thought for a second he would try to send someone after me to fucking shoot me and stay uninvolved?

That little bitch didn't even confront me about nothing. That's how Jaxon has always been. A pussy. He chose to get involved in such a dangerous field yet still thinks he can do this type of shit and hide. Pathetic.

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