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He pulled me closer to him. "I'm sure we still got a few more minutes."

"I'm not sure-" I quietly said before he cut me off by devouring my lips as his hands sneaked around and gripped my ass. His tongue slipped into my mouth, teasing mine.

"Daddy, what you doing to mummy?"

A small voice whispered from behind Damon. We both quickly pulled away, my eyes slightly widening.

"Bella! Why are you up, baby?" I gently asked, moving away from Damon and approached the wobbly walking 3 year old.

"Nightmares." She mumbled, her tiny hands rubbing her eyes. I bended down, smoothed the mess over her head and placed her soft hair behind her ears.

"Awe, sweetie." I made a pouty face. "Well you can sleep in daddy and I's bed tonight."

Her big, bright blue eyes travelled to Damon.

"Can I?"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed at Damon's strict policy of Bella only sleeping in her room. To him, it was best for her 'independence', but I knew it was just a cover up for his insane sex drive that I'm sure he didn't want his daughter to become aware off by any chance.

I felt Damon's hands on my waist from behind.

"I mean, daddy did have other plans with mummy for tonight, but yes baby girl, you can." He smiled at her, wrapping his arms around me. I turned to him from over my shoulder.

"Can't we stay here a few more nights?" I whispered softly, giving him a puppy face that I hoped would convince him. His eyebrows furrowed and he licked his lips.

"You know I would, kitten. But I there's urgent work I gotta deal with back home, you know that." He whispered back, and I nodded. He was right. We needed to lay back on these vacations. Those vacations just made him 10X busier when we get back.

His eyes turned to Bella.

"How about we get this little Princess back to bed now, huh?"

She giggled and started climbed on the bed on her own.

"You're so silly, daddy. Mummy's the real Princess not me." She argued, tugging her tiny self under our sheets. "I only have bloody royalty in me."

I think she meant Royal blood.

Damon glanced at me with a smile. Bella had a huge obsession with the fact that I used to be Princess. And no matter how much I tried to convince her that this was years ago, she is totally refusing to believe otherwise.

"Of course, baby. Which makes you a real Princess too." Damon shrugged, walked over and placed a kiss on her head. She stopped and froze, before giggling and nodding in agreement.

"Right! I forget that."

"Mummy and I will be sitting right outside for a little before going to bed, okay? Goodnight, love." Damon said. She started closing her eyes.

"Ok. Goodnight, mummy. Night, daddy."

"Night, baby." I smiled at her before following Damon outside.

"I think I like her 'daddy' more than yours." Damon joked, glancing at me from behind his shoulder, I punched his back and he laughed. He reached the edge of the deck, taking off his shirt.

"That's why? You wanna go for a swim? Now? At 2 am?" I swear he was insane. He got into the water, turning and facing me.

"Get in." Was all he said. I bit my lip, contemplating before taking off my own clothes too. It was our last night here. And I don't want to be the 'lame and boring' one as him and Bella make me out to be.

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