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I've been remembering things. Faster than I expected.

Snippets, from here and there, over small stuff.

It started the moment Damon called "kitten" from four days ago on that date. Suddenly I found myself recalling many situations where he said that nickname to me. They were all amazing. All the memories I regained were blurry and messy, but they were still comprehensive.

However, the following morning, I started remembering a few memories from my life at the castle.

None that I would have chosen to remember.

For some reason, anything I remember regarding the castle is tragic. I've been getting blurry images of fighting, crying, and most importantly, isolating myself. But most weirdly, most of these images don't include Albert.

Which is why I decided that I needed to reach out to him. Even if for some reason my life in castle was upsetting, I'm sure whatever it was over had nothing to do with Albert.

But if him and I aren't on bad terms, why didn't he try to reach out to me?

I have to get a hold of him.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the calm night breeze. It was beautiful outside tonight. Damon has an enchanting outdoor area, really. The stars were clearer than ever been and-

I felt something being placed on my shoulder. I turned and saw Damon, placing a small soft blanket over me. He gave me a smile that nearly made me lose focus.


How is his voice so damn deep yet so soothing..

"Hi." I smiled back at him. He placed his hands in his sweatpants' pockets, sitting beside me and looking up.

"Fancy meeting you out here again." He said.

"You have a beautiful outdoor area."

"Thank you. How have you been?" He asked. I breathed in softly. Staring back at the sky.

A mess. I thought

"I've been okay. How have you been?"

"Worrying about you, if I'm being honest." He replied. I frowned and turned to him. He shrugged.

"You've been distant the past few days. You don't seem like you wanted to talk so I thought giving you space was best for you." He said, turning to me.

"I've.." I looked down at my feet. "Been remembering things. Small snippets. Blurry images."

I felt his fingers touching my hair, tugging a piece behind my ear.

"What did you remember, kitten?"

I let out a breath, looking up to meet his soft gaze.

"Sad things. Well, not all." I slightly shrugged. "I remembered a few moments of you calling me that. 'Kitten'. That wasn't sad. But the rest was about my life back in the palace. It all seemed.. different than what I could recall."

His expression fell, and he gave a single nod.

"I'm still glad you're gaining things back. Even if it's still all blurry like you said. That's still fast progress." He said, his hand still playing with my hair. His eyes glanced at my lips, for a little too long.

"Um.. yeah. I am too." I said.

"Do you want to talk about any of it?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. Not yet."

He nodded his head.

"Damn, well at least I can't be sad that 4 out of my 60 days have gone to waste anymore."

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