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Chapter 13

"It's not like you're an actual princess or anything

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"It's not like you're an actual princess or anything." I heard Damon mock from behind me. I rolled my eyes and didn't allow him to strip any of this excitement from me.

"Leave the girl alone, Damon." Javier said from behind him.

"What in the world makes you think I ever got to see such places around the world like this?" I asked Damon as I stood in awe, distracted from the breathtaking view in front of me, with the same maybe-a-little-too-blown-away expression. Santorini was just gorgeous.

"Hmm... maybe a little bit of stereotyping." He said, and I started walking again down more of these stairs. Our room was still 2 floors down. Each 'floor' of rooms had many stairs to walk down, and apparently it's the only form of traveling between floors here.

"We're here, sir." Damon's bodyguard said as we stopped next to a neat narrow walk with doors on each side. The bodyguard set our bags next to one of the doors and Damon pulled out the room card before sliding it in and opening the door. I watched as Javier stand next to the room beside Damon's and opening his also.

As the bodyguard came out of the room after setting the bags inside, Damon motioned for me to come inside from next to the door. I slowly walked into the room and my eyes slightly widened.

"You can leave now, Jason. I will call you before we need to get back to Athens." I heard Damon say.

This place must be an alternative form of heaven.

The hotel room was extremely simple yet modern and sleek. White, cozy furniture and a terrace that had a really nice area to sit and a swimming pool, with two hanging mattresses on a wooden deck over the water. The room was looking at the most beautiful view I've ever seen in my life. There was a wide view of the ocean in front of us, with huge green mountains on either side.

I was a little bothered at the back of my mind that Damon had us sharing one room, while letting Javier get a room of his own, but that thought was suppressed away as an attempt of not bothering myself while being in such a place for the first time.

"I would ask you how are you liking it but your face has been giving it all away." He said with a short chuckle. I turned to him with a smile to see him sitting on the bed, taking off his shoes.

"This is..." I started and looked back at the window. "To die for."

"Well, I'm very happy to hear that." Damon said. My smile fell a little and I took a seat next to him.

"Hey um... I had a question." I said, looking at his face as he turned to me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah sure, what's wrong?"

"Why are we here, really?" I asked. He sighed.

"Well, Luna, I wanted to get you away from everything. For a little while. To get my own self away too. Just until we know what's the next step." He said. "But you do need to realize that, if by any chance you feel too trapped and you make a run for that door, yes, I probably will try to find you, but I wont necessarily hold you here again against your will if that's what's going to hurt you." he said. I nodded my head. My eyes glanced at his lips. He had nice lips.

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