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tw/cw: **POSSIBLE**

Cursing some symptoms of anxiety/depression, alcohol

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

Parts of the current lore are now bound to change. As are ages just for plot purposes


A small note: ily <4

Another note: Not me making soft filler chapters to butter you guys up because i'm terrified of writing the fighting scene.


The two men had managed to not destroy the house. Once Phil mentioned murder, Technoblade had the largest grin on his face, dragging Sapnap outside. Cypress had quickly shoved herself out of bed, despite the blonds protests. He let out a groan once she disappeared downstairs.

"I swear to god if I have to-" He grumbled to himself, climbing downstairs as well, moving to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge. Phil grunted before opening the lid, and drinking it straight from the bottle.

"Techno- Techno please don't kiss me." Sapnap pleaded, his eyes growing with panic,"I meant kill me, I mean a kiss would be nic- Oh god don't kill me." The younger screamed, running from a pissed Technoblade who had a plethora of pots and pans in his arms.

"You better run." He snapped after the raventte, pausing as soon as he saw Cypress standing in the door way.
"Hey, uh, what are you doing up?" He asked, dropping the pans and shoving snow over them. She raised her eyebrows, glancing back in the house at Phil who was now drinking with the purpose to knock himself out.

"Hey Phil, Do we have anymore?" She called, wincing at the headache that was developing. She felt a large body crash into her side, successfully knocking her into the snow.

"Cy- please Techno's trying to kill me. Please, hug me and he won't kill me because he'll have to kill you too." Sapnap begged, shoving his face into her stomach.

"Oh my god Sapnap." She grunted patting his head, before wrapping her arms around the shorter.

"It's Technoblades only weakness- so now you can't let go. Looks like we're best bros forever Cy."

"Phil please do we have any more." She called again, hearing a muffled 'yes'. With a relieved sigh, she pushed her and Sapnap up, before stumbling into the house, the man hooked onto her. Technoblade was outside, his jaw dropped as his lover waddled inside, a teenager hooked to her.

"That is so unfair." He grunted, picking up the pots and pans before returning inside the cottage."

Phil held out another bottle to the woman, who took it, checking the label with a soft grin.

"We don't really have cups so you're better off just, you know." He took a long swig from the bottle, giving an example on what to do.

"You literally just betr- Cy, you think drinking is a good idea?" The pinkette asked calmly, he had nothing against drinking, he was a wine drinker himself, but he was worried the woman would use alcohol as a griefing device.

"I won't use it for that stuff, if I do, beat me up. I kind of just want to relax a little." She answered back, using her teeth to pull out the cork, before spitting it into the garbage.

"Woah Cy, You'd be so good at handcuffed beer pong- or wine pong. Why do you guys have the fancy shit, what about vodka or like, whiskey or something." Sapnap asked, still clung onto the woman who took a sip from the olive glass bottle. With a hum she shrugged.

"I've never played handcuffed pong, and I don't know if I want to?" Cypress' head was slightly tilted.

"Seeing as Sapnap's the only underaged person, I won't drink anything." Technoblade had dubbed himself as the babysitter.

"Hey, no I've drank before, pretty please, just one sip?" Cypress breathed out a sight before moving over to the cabinets, pulling out a glass.

"Close your eyes." She requested gently, which led to the ravenette closing his eyes excitedly. He felt a glass being pressed to his lips and he drank.

"What the hell dude, this is wate-" Sapnap heard his friend snicker.

"No underaged drinking Sapnap, I'm 21, I get to drink." She tapped his nose, which led to him giving a disgusted look and pulling off of her with an annoyed grumble. Technoblade and Phil laughed, the latter suggesting they go sit down by the fireplace they had upstairs, at least that way while he and Cypress were getting drunk they wouldn't break anything. She hummed gently, climbing up the stairs, Technoblade taking a quick sip of the wine while she wasn't looking.

Once they all reached the lounge area, Sapnap was pouting in an arm chair, while Cypress was half laying down, her legs draped across Technoblades lap. Phil was sitting in a love seat, closest to the fire.

"Yo.. You know? Maybe Sapnap coming was a good idea. If you hadn't I wouldn't be drinking right now."Phil slurred out, his words were bound together, coming out in muffled strings. Cypress hummed in agreement, tapping her feet to a song in her head. It was hard to remember where it came from, but it sounded nice.

"Phil's a lightweight?" Sapnap gasped in shock, watching the older man open another bottle of wine, starting to down it as well. He let out a small burp, before laughing at himself.

"I'm the lightest of the weights." The man stated in a matter of fact tone, before gesturing to his bottle in his hand.
"Want another Cy? I got this peach one that sounded real good." Phil reached behind him, pulling out another bottle, the liquid being a light pink color. She nodded, moving to reach it, of course her depth perception was non-existent, so she was just reaching for air. Technoblade snickered before motioning for Sapnap to get it for her.

"I'll get it if I can have a sip." he challenged, crossing his arms, the pinkette groaned.

"Fine whatever, don't tell Cy in the morning, she'll have my head." He grunted, patting her knees slightly.
"Hun, you aren't reaching for anything, you'll fall, move back on the couch." He requested, he'd never been one to use pet names, but this one had slipped and it took everything in him to not flush red. Sapnap took the bottle from Phil with a grin, popping it open quickly before taking a sip, and handing it to Cypress like he said he would.

"Wine tastes like shit, too fancy for me." He commented, chugging the glass of water he had.

"It's an acquired taste." The pinkette defended, stealing the bottle from his lover, ignoring the soft whines and grabby hands she made towards the bottle. He wanted to laugh, Sapnap was.
"Say please." He spoke softly, using his fingers to press her forehead away. 

"Technoooo, let me have it." She whined, moving to reach it, Technoblade pressed his elbows onto her lower thigh, keeping her movement to a minimum.
"Please." She muttered after a while, her face lighting up once he handed back the pink bottle.

"Woah I was gonna say, gettin' too kinky there man, im a minor." Sapnap defended, pausing for a second.
"Wait i'm not a minor, fuck."

"Please Sapnap. Please, Please just shut up for more than thirty seconds. Im begging."

"Dude I just said getting too kinky."

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