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Cw/tw:Blood, violence, mentions of death :)

Oh yeah! Since Wilbur confirmed the 3 life system, I plan on using that :D

Triple Update?????

This one actually made me sad


The next few days, I was confined to my room per George and Dream's request. Eret and Sapnap were still around, but the other two had business with L'Manberg, which I assumed was bad due to the looks Eret gave me as I was informed. Something bad was going to happen, I could feel it. Splitting Mocco and myself from my family was a bit of a hassall. Tommy played it off like he didn't even care, telling his warmates to get a grip. It was funny. Of course, instead of staying in my room like I was told, I allowed myself outside where I began planting flowers and vegetables.

I had always wanted to tend to my own garden someday, and it appeared like leaving the castle wouldn't be much use. It still amazed me, made me sad moreso, that Eret had betrayed us to become King. I don't blame him all too much, we had talked a bit the past few days. They were simple conversations, but they made my heart happy. I heard a few explosions, this cause Mocco, who had a small saddle which carried the seeds I needed, run in between my legs shaking. I held him tight, picking my pig up. Sapnap came out, looking in the direction to L'Manberg. Eret came behind him, giving me a small smile. They both walked towards my nation, waiting for me to follow. Of course I did with Mocco in my arms. A few additional explosions were heard. Due to my quick recovery, I was given back my weapon, the Dream Team, as they called themselves, decided I was trustworthy and upgraded it to the darkened metal they all seemed to wear. It still had the same shine.

When we reached L'Manberg, I saw the walls were blown up, as well as some of the trees, ground and the van. I stared at the wreckage in front of me, in complete shock. I had memories there, just a few days ago I was in the clearing, crying over my family. I saw them in the water. With a pig in one, and an axe in the other. I walked up to the two men. I was furious, it felt like hot tears would start rushing down my face any moment. George and Dream flinched when they felt my stare on them. They turned around in unison, jumping a bit.

"Hey hey Cy, I swear we can explai-"George started. Naturally, he was also like a family member, but not a brother, or someone close. A distant cousin. So I switched my axe to the arm holding Mocco, giving him a small kiss. I reeled my fist back and punched the smaller man in the face. He immediately fell to the ground, clutching his nose which was now bleeding. It wasn't broken though, just an injury. Dream moved to hold my arm, in hopes to stop me from what I was about to do to him. 

"Stand still."I sneered, ripping my arm away from them, before giving him the same punch I did to George. I stood over both of them, "What do you have to say for yourselves." I wasn't trying to start a fight in all honesty. I was hoping I would buy the people of L'Manberg more time by distracting the two. It seemed to be working. They were huddled against the other wall, slowly making their way out of the nation. I didn't make eye contact at all, but I saw them out of my peripheral vision.  Just like the first day or two of being here, the trees were burning. It reflected in my eyes, im sure the two bleeding men on the floor could see.

Tommy surprised me the most. He ignored Wilbur's calls to come back, he was walking to me, a sword in hand. He looked good, how he was holding it. A lot more relaxed than he used to be. I hoped I was apart of the reason, he gave me a reassuring smile, standing next to him.

"Dream, I'd like to make a deal."He started, ignoring Wilbur's whisper-yelling. It was like an older brother yelling at the younger. The president seemed panicked as he made his way to us. For good reason too, Tommy was mouthing off to a man who could kill him with a single swing. Dream seemed intrigued though. Tommy spoke again,"Leave us, Wilbur, Cy. I can handle this."He says confidently. I sighed, before going onto my toes, pressing a kiss to his temple. I glared down at George, who had seemed to be recovering. I groaned before grabbing the back of his blue shirt, and dragging him back to Sapnap and Eret once Wilbur and I split ways.

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