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Hello! Thank you for over 18k views, as well as almost 1k votes. It really does mean so much to me, im glad you all seem to be enjoying the story so far :D.
Onto a more pressing matter,


Made more fanart, and the chapter was only out for a day-. Seeing it really did make me just burst into a huge grin, thank you so much! Seeing as this is a good news day, we'll have a little bit of a break! I think you all deserve that much :). Just a little bonding session with a dead body

tw/cw:Just a bit of blood! Clean up process, cursing :)


Cypress knocked over the mans king, resting her bloodied queen where the king stood. Schlatt was dead at her feet. Quackity, who had his back turned, his body huddled into his jacket, finally spoke.

"Did you kill him?"He asked, his voice wasn't exactly shaky, but there was no confidence laced in his words. He was scared. The woman pulled Techno's sword from the body, handing it back.

"He'll recover in a few days, I suggest having Fundy come patch him up to quicken the process if you're that set on getting him back so quickly."She spoke. Her words were slightly slurred, which both of the males present noticed. Techno had completely forgot some of the blood coating her form was her own. Quackity finally turned around, flinching backwards at the sight of the woman.

"You should get patched up too-"He blurted out, mainly out of concern. Aside from killing Schlatt, which the president consented to, she hadn't really done anything to cause the vice president to dislike her. She was also pretty much Tubbo's mother, and even he could see how dedicated she was to keeping the boy safe. Cypress hummed, looking down at herself.

"I guess you're probably right. I'll be honest im not sure how much longer I can stand."She spoke with a laugh, rubbing the back of her head. The amount of blood was truly a concern. Quackity didn't want to be the one to clean it up. She only hoped Wilbur, and possibly Dream seeing as he involved himself with everything, wouldn't be too upset. If they were, she had a clear hand written contract, along with two witnesses, so not much could be done legally.

Technoblade had to admit his friend was smart, too smart for his own good. He had been offered a few things, in return for some favors during the festival. Part of him was starting to rethink due to the woman's protectiveness of her children. He could follow the plan, but he knew she wouldn't stop until he was six feet under, even at the cost of her own life. The pinkette wasn't sure he wanted to face that just yet.

The man gently grabbed her less injured arm, looking a bit concerned.

"I can take you back to Pogtopia."He offers, his voice still flat, something about it caused Quackity to laugh a little. Cypress blinked for a few seconds. Her vision wasn't entirely blurry, but the outer sides of her vision seemed to close in slightly. Techno saw she was looking a bit dazed, before lifting up his coat, which she still adorned, and began pressing the larger wounds to slow the bleeding.

"Cy you good?"Quackity asked, finally moving towards her, trying to push the image of her stabbing the present out of his mind."Wait let me go get Fundy."He added, before quickly running out of the white house, concern written all over his face.

"Uh- Just a suggestion, you might want to sit down?"He tried, seeing her slowly nod and stumble over to her bloodied chair. The woman carefully sat down, breathing out a sigh of relief before leaning her head back, closing her eyes. She wasn't going to fall asleep or pass out, but the trauma to her head was starting to make her skull ache. After a few minutes, Techno occasionally checking to make sure she was still breathing, Quackity came rushing in, Fundy behind him with a first aid kit. To the Pinkette's surprise, a man in a lime green hoodie stood with his arms crossed.

Fundy first noticed the blood coating the table and chess pieces, the hunched over body of his friend in a chair, and a dead man across from her. He blinked, trying to make sure what he was seeing was real.

"What the fuck?"He muttered quietly, Techno lightly tapped the fox's shoulder, causing Fundy to jump in surprise. The monarch handed him the contract, the fox quickly looking over it until Dream snatched it from his hands, and read it aloud.

"You know I thought she was a bit crazy, but jesus christ."Fundy mumbled, Dream humming with him. To say the least, Dream planned on taking one of Schlatt's lives to weaken him a bit. Seeing as he had been conversing with Wilbur about blowing the place up, he thought it was only fair Schlatt was weaker. The woman seemed to do the job for him though, finding some sort of fun in killing a man. Dream wasn't scared of the woman exactly, not all of the time. It just concerned him that she could become a threat to his rulership in the future. 

The green hooded man watched Fundy slowly start to wrap white bandages around the womens arm, while she hummed.

"I can assume you won." Dream spoke, leaning on the back of the chair, Cypress let out a little laugh before pressing her bloody finger to Dream's nose, making a 'boop' sound, before laughing more. Technoblade blinked.

"Ah so the blood loss is getting to you now. What a nerd."He spoke, standing beside her, on her right side. Fundy's eye furrowed, he was getting pretty annoyed with the two men bothering him and a bleeding woman.

"You look funny."Cypress spoke funny, staring up a the mask Dream adorned, he let out a small laugh.

"Oh really? Come on now, I don't look funny."He thought she was being funny, he'd never seen her so loose in her speech and way of thinking, although he didn't like her almost dying to see it. Her head lolled to the side, turning to Techno, who tensed when she made eye contact with the boar mask he had on. She let out another laugh before gripping onto the mask, pulling it off her friend, causing a few sputters of surprise to leave the Pinkette, before putting it on her own face.

"We can all be mask buddies! I want a mask."She declared, before looking down at Fundy,"Funny make me a mask please."She begged, Fundy had to keep himself from laughing, seeing as she messed up his name. He rolled his eyes while he stitched her upper elbow shut.

"I'll make you a mask, Cy."He agreed. Quackity was dying in the background, despite having a dead body in the room, the two men who were seemingly trying to keep the bloody woman awake, were funny. He, Quackity, thought a monarch and a tyrant, were funny. 

"We.."Cypress paused, for almost a minute, trying to think of a word,"We should have a sleepover."She decided, moving to scratch her forehead before Dream gently took her hand and pulled it away from her wound. She whined a bit, causing the man to bite his tongue.

"Im almost done, and then we can go have a sleepover."Fundy grumbled, moving up to her head, cleaning out the wound.

"What are you doing?"The woman asked tilting her head, almost causing Fundy to drip alcohol into her eye. He would've been dead next to Schlatt if that happened. He watched as she slowly blinked, it was obvious her reaction time was slowly decreasing the more adrenaline her body wore off.

"Hey Cypress, you should try staying awake so we uh"Techno paused, almost embarrassed,"So we can go to the sleepover." With those words, Cypress took it as an agreement. She nodded happily, again disrupting Fundy's work, before Techno moved his hand, holding onto her chin while Fundy finished. The fox gave the pig a grateful smile.

Dream didn't look as happy, but he decided it wasn't the best place for him to speak.
"We could ask Eret if we could stay there?'He suggested, completely serious about the sleepover. Cypress grinned, going to move her head to nod before Techno held her head a bit tighter. She groaned, causing Quackity to burst out laughing again.

"God I've never seen her like this, she seems so unthreatening."He gasped out, holding onto the wall. Cypress paused for a second, gently pushing the three men away from her before standing up. Her footing was a bit off, causing a few stumbles as she reached for Dream's bow, who handed it to her hesitantly. She grabbed an arrow, holding onto the chair for stability, before shooting an arrow which caught onto Quackity's suit, and pinned him to the wall. 

That shut him up real quick, Fundy snorted, causing Dream to burst out into a wheezing laugh, trying to calm himself. Even Technoblade was laughing, something not many people saw. Cypress grinned at Quackity, before grinning. The dead body didn't even matter anymore.

"Let's go have a sleepover."

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