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What do you think of resurrection? 

Do you believe some people should be gifted an extra chance with sacrifices given from another person? The sacrifice being of equal value as the person's life.

Do you think it undermines the meaning of death, and in short terms, should stay permanent. 

tw/cw: cursing, blood, death


Carrying her dead son's body weighed her down a lot more than she expected. Some of her friends were dead, which meant Techno, Tommy and her had to carry those they could back to PogTopia. This included just Niki and Tubbo, Niki who was being carried by Tommy. Even the teen decided Cypress shouldn't have been carrying anyone, she looked absolutely dead. Techno had taken Tubbo from her, through a lot of persuasion and begging, he knew they both disliked him, especially Tommy. 

Once Cypress had seen Wilbur, it seemed as if something snapped inside her. Tommy had to quickly set down the smaller woman and hold his mother back. Tommy trusted Wilbur, not as much anymore. The former President had promised Tubbo's safety, that Technoblade wouldn't have hurt him. He lied. The man was standing there, a large grin on his face when he noticed how pissed the woman was at him. He tucked his hands into his trench coat. 

His 'friend' was a mess. Her normally clean appearance was unkempt, her hair had dirt coatings and tangles. It was almost sad. Wilbur knew Tubbo would come back, so there was no harm in what he did as far as he knew.

"Technoblade what the fuck?"Tommy asked, of course after laying Niki on his own bed, Tubbo on Cypress'. The pinkette, looked at the floor, almost in guilt.

"I was peer pressured Tommy. I don't do well with-" He was cut off by Tommy punching him, it wasn't very hard, but it made his face grow stern.

"I'm not fighting a teenanger, especially the son of a friend, who I very dearly care about and love."He spoke, turning to face the blond. Tommy's mother was just staring at the stone wall, he couldn't blame her. She had watched her son's die twice, once in her arms. It had probably traumatized the poor woman. Her eyes looked distant, clouded over. The pair of fighting men were both worried, but they decided to leave it, focusing on themselves. 

Wilbur sat himself next to the woman, after she had calmed down from her anger she was just gone. It made the crazed man slightly worried, he gently took her hand, Cypress not making any move to stop him. She was just sitting there. The former president gently rubbed the top of her hands, letting the two boys fight it out. He supposed it was a bit of his fault.

The man noticed Niki starting to stir, it was completely possible she had just caught some after blast, meaning her wounds weren't exactly hard for her  body to heal itself. The woman would be sore, for sure, but not asleep for days. What confused Wilbur the most is that even after Niki let out a groan, the woman next to her didn't move. She hadn't moved ever since she sat down.

"Will?"Niki began, wincing out in pain as she sat up, her flesh wounds were completely healed, one of the positives to dying she guessed. She noticed the dirt matted hair, how messy it looked compared to normal."Will what's wrong with her?

"Tubbo died."

"I know that, but, why isn't she.."Niki paused on her wording,"Why isn't she here?"

"Beats me, Tommy died in her arms, so did Tubbo, maybe it finally broke her."Wilbur shrugged, despite his harsh wording, he was still rubbing her hand. The adults hadn't even noticed Tommy and Techno's fight, they had even caved out a 'pit' in the time Niki woke up. Both were bloodied and bruised. Tommy looked a lot worse before he went and sat next to his mom, gently laying his head on her shoulder. The teen was sad, today was meant to be a happy time, and for a while it was. He couldn't have imagined what was running through her head.

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