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tw/cw- there is one sentence that hints to a developing eating disorder, minor cursing

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

If you'd like to see the 'offical' height comparison. Cypress is going to end up being around 6'2, Techno is 7'8, Ranboo is 8'5, and Bad is 9'6. Like, seeing it is kinda terrifying? Bad is so tall.


Cypress had been grateful for the returned weight of the ring on her left middle finger. She had gifted Techno back his own ring as soon as Karl returned them. She asked if he wanted to stay for dinner, seeing as it was reaching nightfall, and it'd take near a half an hour to just get to the portal. The younger boy agreed, which had caused Sapnap to insist that he stayed the night.

Not having the heart to tell her friend no, Sapnap and Karl were going to sleep on the couch.

"Tell me again why you decided to let em stay here?" Techno grumbled, fiddling with the woven ring, sitting on one of the chairs near the table. Cypress was cutting up vegetables while they spoke.

"Techno, it's like.." She paused, humming for a second,"It's like an hour back, and it's snowing. Do you think I'm gonna let him walk out alone? If you're gonna complain, you can go escort him back." She muttered back.
"Besides, it's good to have company. Unless you want to deal with Sapnap." The pinkette blinked.

"No, no, Karl can stay." He quickly changed his mind, realizing the raven haired man would leave him alone.
"Well, we're alone right?" the man asked, causing Cypress to turn around, giving him a weird look.

"Phil will be home soon with Ranboo, so no, but for now, yes we are." She answered, shoving the vegetables into a pan, shaking the aluminum. Technoblade hummed, resting his chin on his palm.

"Wanna play chess? I'm so bored." He grunted, standing up. He was thankful he wasn't as tall as Ranboo, seeing as the hybrid had to almost hunch over to fit inside the house. The teen had began construction on his own home next door. Technoblade moved over to Cypress, being over a foot taller than the woman, despite her growing, was a hassle. His legs always stuck off the bed and he had permanently adopted a curled up position while he slept due to this. Seeing as the woman now neared six feet, it was slightly easier to reach her.

"Can you grow more? I'm gettin' spinal damage from reachin' down all the time." Cypress swatted his hand that tried to grab one of the cooked potatos.

"C'mon, dinner will be done soon, stay out of the food." She muttered, trying to use her weight to keep   the man from stealing anymore. The woman felt arms wrap around her waist, pulling her away from the stove.
"Techn- No please it will burn. Techno-" She begged, trying to push him away, reaching out to her skillet.

"This is on you." He said simply, spinning her around, setting the woman back on her feet, before rushing to the pan, grabbing a small handful of potatos.
"Maybe if you gave in, I would've listened better." He had a triumphant grin on his face. Cypress shoved her elbow into his hip. She came to a little below his shoulders, almost collar bone level, even with her sudden growth. 

"C'mon Technoblade, what happened to our promise?" She teased, moving back to the pan, stirring the food. The pinkette blinked, his face flushing. They had promised each other something not too long ago, of course they had never told anyone, it wasn't anyone elses buisness.

"That's different, you can't pull that card." He leaned down slightly, pressing his chin onto her head, wrapping his arms around her again. He felt oddly clingy. Ever since the pair had grown closer, he longed to feel any part of her touching him, craved the intimacy. Sapnap had teased and called him touch starved.

"Sapnap, Karl- Foods done!" She called up, hearing muffled responses back. As if on cue, Phil threw open the door, mounds of snow pouring him after, Cypress almost scolded him, but seeing how cold he looked, as well as Ranboo ducking into the house, she couldn't.

"Take your shoes off." She requested, shooting a glare at Phil who shot her one right back, only for his eyes to soften after a few seconds.

"I got it, I got it." He mumbled, shoving his boots off, breathing out a sigh of relief at the warmth that filled the house. Ranboo's teeth were chatting, lessening after he stripped off his coat and boots, shaking the snow that dusted his hair. Every so often he would suck in a breath at the snow melting, allowing the water to hit his skin.

"Ranboo, can you go up and grab Karl and Sapnap? I'll go ahead and start another fire, hopefully that'll warm you guys up." She offered, setting a plate down in front of Phil who was now sitting.

"Hey, worry about eating, I know that's been an issue, I'll start the fire." Techno spoke, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before moving over to the fire place, tossing logs in.

"Where'd you learn how to cook? I don't think i've ever asked. Mind if I have recipes?" Phil spoke, shoveling food into his mouth greedily. She smiled, picking up his empty plate before getting him another serving, upon his request.

"My father worked in a tavern, of course some of them are my own recipes." She trailed off, breathing out with a huff.
"Maybe one day I'll write them down for you." She was about to speak again before Sapnap and Karl came hustling down the ladder, both of them reminding her of energetic dogs.

"Please feed us- I'm starving." Sapnap groaned, as if on cue, his stomach grumbled, causing a few laughs. She handed them both a plate, watching them grin at each other before moving to sit down.

"You two are children." She joked, carefully handing a plate to Ranboo who came down a few seconds later. He blinked a few times, looking down at the food.

"Thank you." His voice was soft before he felt his hand being squeezed twice. Ranboo had become very protective over the smaller woman, and seeing as he wasn't always very talkative, or felt as if he couldn't communicate, Cypress came up with a way to move past it. Mainly the amount of squeezes. One was simply a reminder that the person was there, two was the signal that the person loved the other. Ranboo was beyond grateful to have found someone to help and understand him through all of his confusion.

Cypress had always been there, especially for him, and many others. If the hybrid was being honest with himself, he felt selfish. He knew she cared about him, she showed it as much as possible, but he had to be constantly reassured he wasn't a bother, which she did. He had only began to think about how much the woman dealt with. What it was like inside her own mind. He felt as if he was a coward, and seeing the shorter woman do self-sacrificial things just to provide safety for her family almost inspired him to do the same. She would always talk about how he shouldn't make decisions how she does, how it can be damaging. Ranboo couldn't help but agree, no matter how brave she was in his eyes, she had hurt people with her actions.

Ranboo felt as if he wanted to make decisions like she does, but perhaps not sacrificing himself in the process. He spooned rice and vegetables into his mouth, watching Cypress and Technoblade bicker with each other.

The hyrbid wouldn't wish for anything else. He felt so at peace in the moment, wanting it to last forever. Of course, he knew all good things came to an end, he just wasn't sure if he had the emotional stability to process the end.

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