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Hello! I hope you are all having a good day! Ive gotten 3 or so people asking where they could send me any art, so on my main page I included a few of my links to things I check decently regularly! If you do message through discord, let me know! I'm not as active on there :D

More bonding time :)
*I know these diverge from the main timeline, and even seem a bit ooc, but blood loss is pretty rough, so I want to make a clear difference between Cypress' normal state, as well as her half dead, adrenaline rushed state.. I'd like to prepare you for what's to come though, seeing as I won't be so kind in upcoming chapters :D

I'll be honest I almost typed Taco bell instead of Technoblade and-


The four men who were currently in the chess room, ended up being persuaded to join the now clean woman for a sleepover at Eret's castle. Fundy and Quackity seemed perfectly happy to go, especially since the President would be caught in a coma for the next few days. The citizens of Manberg were given a short break. None of them had asked Eret, but Dream didn't think the man would deny him.

Upon Cypress' request, they went to Niki's bakery, the shorter woman was still cleaning up, wiping down tables. She had to blink a few times and shake her head once her friend came in all bouncy and loopy. It completely confused her seeing the normally polite woman stand on the seats, trying to tackle on of the taller men.

Techno had almost immediately shut this down by grabbing onto the black haired woman's waist, and setting her back on the ground. He looked completely dead on the outside, but in all honesty seeing how happy his friend was, even if due to lack of blood, was a nice sight. She still hadn't taken off his coat, making him complain about his style and aesthetic a few times.

"What.. did you guys do to her?"Niki asked, cautiously eyeing the two men she was seen with the most, them being Techno and Dream. They both shrugged at the same time. Niki had knives behind the counter, and if either of them had done anything, they'd be losing a life by her hands. She sighed, before grabbing a muffin from the counter, offering it to Cypress. The latter greedily took it, rocking back and forth on her feet in pure bliss.

"Oh oh oh Niki!"She spoke suddenly, startling the shorter woman who was shutting off lights.
"We're all having a sleep over at Eret's" She spoke with a grin, rubbing her eyes slightly. Niki looked at her in concern, before sighing.

"Let me grab my things, Cypress you should come to my house so.."She paused,"So we can get you some other clothes." Cypress nodded happily, following Niki out of the bakery.

"What just happened."Technoblade asked, a bit shocked, how did his day go from being in a bakery, to his friend murdering the president, to back in the same bakery. Something wasn't adding up. Fundy, rubbed one of his hands (Paws????)  down his face with a loud groan, causing Quackity to let out a small laugh.

"We should probably go ask Eret before the entire country is showing up at his castle for a sleepover." Fundy muttered, leaving the bakery, the three other men following. Dream was oddly quiet, he had spoken a bit, but as he walked next to Technoblade, he was quiet. Every so often the green colored man's eyes would drift over to Techno's, he shouldn't have been able to tell, but the monarch met his eyes everytime.

Eret hadn't been doing much, he never had many visitors aside from Sapnap, Dream and occasionally George. Most of his old friends had left him far behind, aside from Fundy and sometimes Cypress whenever she seemed to be around. Although he didn't expect his fox friend, Quackity, Dream, and the infamous Technoblade.

"Can we sleep here. with.."Fundy held up his hand (paw???) "Niki, Cypress and I assume Tubbo and Karl?" The fox looked about ready to get on his hands at knees and start begging. Eret tilted his head, trying not to laugh before he shook his head lightly, opening the door wider for them to come in. Technoblade was staring at the crown on the King's head.

"So what's that crown represent."He asked nonchalantly, as if he wasn't planning an assassination in his head. Sure he was a monarch, but where he lived it wasn't exactly a government he ran. It was a private hierarchy sort of thing, you just got a nice house for winning. Dream stared at Techno for a few seconds.

"It's a costume."He responded for Eret, trying to keep the pinkette from murdering his form of government. The king slowly nodded, before leading them to the throne room.

"We can set up a bunch of stuff in here?"He suggested awkwardly, gesturing to the open room. He still wasn't sure why the entire group insisted on staying here. It wasn't until he saw Cypress waddle in, Techno's coat, pajamas , slippers and all. Niki, Karl, and Tubbo were sprinting behind her with pillows in blankets, panting once they dropped them. Eret blinked a few times.

"Oh so that's why." he began, the black haired woman looked a lot less, murdery, more cuddly. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she had a tired grin on her face. Eret sighed, before walking up to the rooms with Quackity and Tubbo to drag layers of blankets and pillows down.

This was probably the one moment almost everyone wasn't at war, or fighting. Mainly because a woman who was on the brink of death decided she wanted a sleepover, and who were they to deny her. Techno had almost snorted, seeing the blood spotted cape and bunny slippers in the same outfit. Dream coughed into his hand, keeping his wheezing to a minimum.

"I want to sleep with Niki."Cypress spoke confidently, flustering the smaller woman who looked at her in shock, the taller continued,"And maybe you guys if you stop looking so fucking pitiful." Quackity was on the floor laughing from that one. She said it was an innocent smile, falling face first into a pile of blankets. Techno blinked, leaning over to Dream.

"Did she mean me or you?"He whispered, sort of concerned about who she was talking about. Dream gave him a shrug. Technoblade paused for a few seconds, before falling into the blankets next to his friend, causing Quackity to seemingly die. Niki looked up at Dream before diving into the blankets next to Cypress, stealing the spot to the woman's right. Cypress grinned, and patted the area in front of her. Dream rolled his eyes, moving to sit down in front of her.

Cypress laughed lightly before lifting her head up, and letting it go limp causing it to slam into his lap. The green man groaned, causing her to laugh more. Finally the rest of the adults and teens settled down into other areas, Sapnap and Karl were just entangled with each other. By the time Techno look to his, Cypress was already passed out, one of her arms laid over his, while the other held Niki's


Hey guys! Just bawled my eyes out, but we're vibing and it's probably fine now but thats why this is a bit more delayed than I wished! I hope you enjoyed. Kinda ran out of juice towards the end, but it was pretty wholesome :D

Hope y'all had a nice day, goodnight!

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