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In my personal opinion, ghosts in the dreamsmp are able to touch objects/people. We see Ghostbur do it several times, so that's what it's based on. Once again, this particular arc can contain some pretty heavy material, please be aware of this and stay safe :)

Another note: While I am not a fan of 'oh I lost all my memories oh no' there is a time and place where trauma can inhibit someone's ability to remember certain things, or simply choosing not to remember. Please also be aware of this :)


Technoblade made his way to the beach, the screams of panic from the people still clear in his ears. His heart felt as if it was ripped out. In all honesty, Cypress was the only one he felt truly at home with. She was home. He regret a few things, pressing Tommy, mentioning how if he wanted to be a hero, he could die like one. In those few moments all he felt was agony, and he took it out on her sons. One day he would formally apologize, not anytime soon, but one day. 

He made his way down, careful not to let his coat snag on the jagged rocks. He stared out at the sea, watching the waves crash. Phil suggested that he found her body, and they could possibly start researching ways to bring her back. Techno didn't think it was worth it, once someone was gone, they were gone. Like Cypress' mother, some souls or ghosts, tended to stick around due to unfinished business. Part of him hoped she had passed on, just so she could finally be free from this all. Most of him wanted to hear her voice again. She had only just died a few hours ago, but it felt like an eternity.

He wanted to hold whatever he could of her. Ghosts never passed through walls, they weren't completely solid, they could touch and move things, but with enough force you could stick your hand right through them. Many people speculate that ghosts look the same as when they were the happiest, and he hoped it to be true. Seeing her happy kept him going through a few rough patches. Techno wasn't sure if he would be able to hug her as tight, but if he was gentle enough, he could still feel Cypress in his arms.

He let his red coat drag in the sand, the salty water brushing the edges. The monarch wasn't exactly sure where she fell, Wilbur had only given Phil a general location, and that was the beach. The sun had just disappeared beneath the clouds, causing warm shades to coat the clouds. The man sighed, letting himself breath in the scent of the sea. He let his eyes dance along the cream colored sand, before his eyes landed on a figure of sorts. Near a cluster of darkened rocks was a yellow tinted figure. He rubbed his eyes a few times.

Technoblade assumed he was hallucinating until his gaze moved a little towards the sea. He saw Cypress' washed up body, and what he believed to be her ghost staring at her hands while sitting on the rock.

 Techno broke into a run.


Dying is strange, in my own opinion. Because you never think that the last time, is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't.

Waking up was also strange. I had already accepted that I would never be myself again, but opening your eyes after death was like being born again. It was strange. When I opened my eyes again, I wasn't in any pain. I could still remember the feeling of drowning, falling from the sky. I remembered a lot of what happened actually. Some parts felt like static in my mind. I didn't feel normal. When I looked down at my hands, they were translucent. I could see the outlines of my hands, my fingers, the details on my palms, but I could also see the cream sand beneath them, tinted yellow. 

Looking at my body was weird, the clothing I wore allowed for less light to pass through me, but my skin and hair you could see through with a tint. I was dead. I followed after my mother, becoming a ghost. It didn't hurt at all, but it was a shocking experience. 

Thankfully, I could still remember parts of Technoblade, Tommy and Tubbo. I don't, really know what memories exactly. Listening to 'chirp' with my two children, sitting on the bench. I didn't remember the first war, it all felt like a blur lost in time. I could feel certain emotions tied to my lost memories. Mainly betrayal and concern. Sad. That's what I think I was. I was sad. I felt miserable, and I didn't even know why.

I missed Technoblade, he reminded me of home, and of warm things. I didn't feel warm anymore, that much was obvious. I was cold to the touch. Parts of Techno had been removed from my brain, I couldn't remember the start of the kingdom we built, I remember we built one, but something must have happened. Love is funny.

Whenever you lose someone, you try to remember when you saw them last. For me, it was now blurred memories concealed with static. I wish it wasn't blurry, but it felt like my own fragile mind was trying to protect itself. Who was I to disagree. I don't remember dying, but I remember the moments before it happened. The sunset was so beautiful, I don't think I would've liked to die at any other time. The ocean was beautiful too, although now my body broke into tremors whenever I tried to touch it. The water scared me

"Cypress?" I heard someone call out, making my head shoot up, staring in the direction it came from. It was Techno. He had in fact come to find me. If I had a heart, I felt like it would've been beating. Even from a distance, I could see tears rushing down his face. He was bloody. I blinked a few times before standing up, wobbling slightly. Standing as a ghost was much different than being alive. My tinted feet left no footprints on the ground, confirming that I was actually dead. 

Techno made it to me before I took ten steps. He never cried, but here he was, bawling his eyes out. He reached out a hand, gently placing it on my cheek. I could feel when he touched me, warmth blossoming around the area.


"Can I try something really quick?"He asked, as if still shocked he could touch her, I nodded slowly. He applied more force to where the woman's cheek was, and kept applying more until his hand moved through her face. She blinked a few times. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. He sighed, silently gaging how much pressure he could use before pulling Cypress into his chest. He had to be careful not to hold the ghost too tightly, but Techno never wanted to let go.

She was one of the only people he had a soft spot for, he had grown up with her, loved her. Everything. His eyes flicked to her body, which was drenched with sea water, congealed blood coating her nose.

"Cypres-" He was cut off, by her translucent hand on his cheek.

"Im not- im not really, Cypress, am I?"She asked gently, causing Techno to sigh. She wasn't completely her alive version.

"Ghostpress? Wilbur.. Will is called Ghostbur now, so we could do the same for you?"He suggested gently.

"You can still call me Cy, Ghostpress is a bit of a mouthful."She admitted, giving him a small smile. To him, he found it odd. She had just died and she seemed, okay, happy, on the outside at least.

"Cy, I promise, Phil, Ghostbur and I all promised, that we'll find a way to bring you back, I know. I know death is meant to be permanent, but there has to be a way. and we'll find it." Techno paused for a few seconds, before pulling her gently into him again. She was so cold.

"I promise."


Hello! Well, there ya have it. If you'd like to know her unfinished has to do with the promises she made to her sons. I hope you all understand the blanks in memory and don't hate me too much for murdering my own character. Because

Because It hurt me too-

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