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AhhMORE FANART- I was also requested to not give a name for this one, so I wont. But I love how yellow she is, and the little feets on both of them. Thank you so much!!

In general, I refer to her as Cypress/Ghostess occasionally, but in speech its Mom, Cy, or Ghostess


"I think you could have a cool name like Ghostbur."Karl commented, as they made their way to Eret's castle.
"Like GhostCypress, or Ghostyess."He thought allowed, earning a small grown from Quackity.

"Just go with Cy or Ghostess or something."

Cypress blinked a few times, before slowly nodding."I like Ghostess."
Quackity stuck his tongue out in the direction of Karl, who whined a little bit, trying to grab onto the man's tongue, which earned a laugh from the ghost beside them.
She seemed a lot more, free, if that was the right word, more carefree. She was laughing more, and while she was still dead and a ghost, her eyes seemed much brighter. It could've been the light reflection, but even in death she managed to smile.

"Before we go in, Ghostess.."Sapnap tried, sighing gently,"I'm not sure how they'll react to you well, here, Ghostbur kinda shocked them a bit, but he's the one who ki...."The last words of his sentence became fuzzy, she couldn't quite hear what he was trying to say, but she nodded anyways.

"I'll go in, let em know there's someone to see them, then come in?"Quackity explained, pushing open the doors before walking in. Ghostbur was seated in one of the couches, Tubbo and Tommy were sitting next to each other on a seperate couch. Niki was half lidded, laying against Fundy, while the fox sat next to Eret. The pair had recently grown close to each other.

"Uh, so, guys,"Quackity started, causing a few people to look up, Ghostbur seemed to be knitting happily. Tommy and Tubbo both lifted their gaze. They weren't doing great.

"There's someone here, they're with Karl and Sapnap right now, don't overwhelm them, they've sorta just transitioned a bit ago?"He explained, Tommy and Tubbo looked at eachother, before looking back at Quackity.
"Come in now?"

Karl poked his head, struggling to open the doors. Niki looked a bit more awake now, turning to look at the door. Sapnap walked in, a yellow transparent hand in his own. Cypress 'stumbled', if you could even call it that, into the room. Niki blinked a few times, her best friend was in front of them. Wilbur had actually murdered the woman. Tubbo scrambled up, looking wide-eyed at his adoptive brother, Tommy sharing the same look.

"Mom?"He whispered, his voice cracking and hoarse. He noticed his mother blink a few times, seawater blue tears staining her face. They didn't drop onto the floor or anything, it was like they were glued to her body. Tubbo made a bee-line towards her, Tommy attempting to follow, only to stub his toe.(Get it? bee?)

"A small warning, there's a pressure limit."Sapnap quickly advised, watching the older teen jump into his mother, clutching onto Technoblade's red coat, letting tears spill from his eyes. His mother was no longer warm like she used to be, but her embrace remained the same. It made Tubbo feel warm inside, she had always given such motherly hugs. Tommy stumbled over, hopping on one foot until he landed next to Tubbo. 

Seeing their clothing through her arms was a bit of a shock, but it was still their mother, and they had missed her more than anything. Tommy, being a few inches taller, pulled his mom gently into him, making sure to give Tubbo room in her other arm. He let out a quiet sob into her hair, the droplets would hit the ghost, before falling onto the ground. It seemed like liquids would stay on her for a few seconds, before phasing through the woman.

Enough pressure would cause things to go through the translucentness, but in general she could still touch and hold things like normal.

"Mom why didn't you? Why didn't you come? or say something? that you were going with Will?"Tommy asked. His voice was a lot softer as to not scare her. When they first met Ghostbur, he was very confused, only remembered the happy moments in his lifetime. There was a time and place for being an asshole, and this wasn't the time.

"I didn't know..?" Pain shot through her head. She hadn't been able to feel any physical pain, but the thoughts of remembering hurt. Tubbo hugged her a little tighter.

"It's okay mom, do you have a hard time remembering that? We understand it you do, we won't bring it up."He offered, earning a meek nod from his mother. It hurt Tubbo, seeing two people he loved and trusted, one more than the other. She was their mom, and hearing that they're best friend had murdered her had hit a lot harder than they wished.

"Cypress? I remember you! You were my friend right?"Ghostbur was up by her, he felt nice knowing there was someone who was going through what he was going through, something, someone familiar.
"Or do you go by Ghostess now? Im Ghostbur."He held out his faded hand. Her two sons pulled away, there would always be some tension between the two teens and their old president. Cypress slowly stuck out a hand, out that the ghosts couldn't touch each other as well as they could touch someone alive. The pair had to use feathery touches in order to even feel the shape of the others hand.

"Ghostess is fine."She said, a small smile on her face. Whenever she thought of unhappy memories of Wilbur, her head just hurt. It didn't feel very nice.
"Is that Technoblade's? I remember him. We're twins actually."Ghostbur informed, a smile on his face. Tommy slightly tensed. He despised his mother's 'lover' of sorts.
"Actually, you could go see Phil too- I bet he's dying to see you agai-"The male ghost froze. 

Cypress let out a small laugh, covering her mouth. Death jokes were now incredibly funny, people never realized how much they made them. Ghostbur held back a small laugh. Tommy looked at Tubbo, they're faces were a lot brighter after hugging their mom, dead or not.
The past few hours they had spent with Phil, growing increasingly close to the man. Seeing as Techno and her were in love or something, Phil basically became like a grandfather to them. The two teens knew Cypress had her own family, and that they should definitely tell them about her recent death, but in all honesty, no one knew where they were.

"Cypress? You're back??" Another voice asked, walking into the castle. Most L'Manbergians referred to it as Eret's castle, when it was indeed George's. Dream had allowed them all to stay there out of the goodness of his heart while they pieced their nation back together.

"It's Ghostess." She informed lightly, moving to face the green hooded man, George beside him. The colorblind man paused before pulling the woman into a hug. He was never insanely close to her, but seeing her in the flesh, or translucent flesh, was comforting

Dream looked at her, the gears turning in his head.
"We come in peace."He joked, holding his hands up once the rest of the group turned to glare at him. Ghostess tilted her head, looking at him strange.

"Dream?" She called quietly, a shiver ran up Dream's spine. The ghost's kind tone had gone cold.

"Dream? No one wearing a crown comes in the name of peace."

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