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"Let's burn it all."

Dream spoke so effortlessly, without any hesitation or remorse. That's what scared Cypress the most. There was no regret in his words. She didn't know what they were burning, but she came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be wise to disagree with the green man. She slowly nodded her head, somewhat curiously, but still remained cautious at the same time. Dream gripped onto her upper arm, pulling her out of the wooden seat. Cypress felt her heart jump at the tight grasp around her arm, his nails digging into her skin. 'Does he know' she asked herself hesitantly. 

"Oh dude, are we gonna set up the canons today?"Sapnap asked, also pulling himself out of the chair, before moving into a nearby chest, tossing piles of red cylinders out onto the floor. Upon further inspection, she realized it was dynamite or 'tnt' which was printed on the bundles. 

"What..."She muttered out,"What is all of this for?" Cypress didn't know if she wanted the answer to her question or not.

"What do you think silly? we're just gonna set up a few bombs towards L'Manberg."Sapnap chimed in, not thinking how heavily the words weighed in her mind. Sure, she had only met the members of L'Manberg, but she helped create those walls, she had befriended those people. 

"Sapnap's right, and you'll help us correct?"Dream asked, gripping her arm tighter if that was a possibility. Cypress nodded quickly, trying to shake the fear from her heart. The man holding her still let out a small laugh, before nodding, letting go of her hand, and handing her a flint and steel. Most of the times they were used as fire starters, the sparks lighting things on fire almost immediately. She gulped and tucked it into her pocket, touching the cool metal made her sick.

"Ready guys?"The raven haired boy spoke with a grin, it was hard to tell that they would be causing chaos in just a few moments. The two others in the room slowly nodded, and the lime figure led them out of the house. Every few minutes Sapnap would crack a joke, shoving his elbow into Cypress' side. It didn't hurt too much, and to be honest he reminded her of a brother of sorts, or a close cousin. It was oddly nice, even more so comforting that she wasn't alone. 

"I hope you aren't afraid of fire."Dream spoke again, making Cypress' eyes move to him. He was walking backwards, a dark sword in his hand. Like Sapnap's, it was shimmering a light blue which was constantly shifting.

"Oh dude, we should totally upgrade your axe one day."Sapnap pointed out, trying to loosen the tension between the two adults."We have tons of extra diamonds that we could make one with."He suggested, gazing down at the iron axe attached to her hip. Dream suddenly stopped, causing her and the raven-haired boy to run into him. The lime man let out a small groan of annoyance, before throwing one of his hands up for a second. Sapnap peered into the distance.

"Its Gogy!"He cheered, almost screaming before making a dash to a man with round glasses and dark brown hair. 'That was George' She thought to herself. The man in question was wearing a light blue shirt with a red box on the front. He was wearing blue pants, that were slightly torn up just as Dream's were.

"Who's this?" George asked, him and Sapnap making his way to the pair. She froze for a second, his voice had cut through the air. He had a british accent, much more noticeable than hers of course.

"Im Cypress."She explained simply. Cypress noted his accent, were not all people of European descent in L'Manberg? George seemed to be an outlier."Why.. aren't you apart of L'Manberg? Aren't you british as well?" She asked politely, trying to keep in good graces of the group of boys.

'Gogy' looked at her strange,"Have you met people from L'Manberg?" He asked, waiting a moment,"You couldn't have possibly known they were all british." Dream gives him a sideways glance, although it wasn't that noticeable due to the porcelain mask covering his face. He slowly stepped back, slinging an arm around her shoulder. She immediately sunk into her hoodie, feeling uncomfortable with the sudden aura's they were all giving up.

"So.."Dream paused, leaning behind her ear,"So little spy.. why are you here."Cypress' breath hitched, a panicked look forming on her eyes. There was no way she would get away from all of them, George looked not necessarily happy with the discovery, but not entirely upset. He just seemed annoyed, which was probably due to Sapnap letting out a loud groan.

"H-Hey I swear im not a spy."She spoke out shakily, her nerves getting the best of her own judgement."I promise I was just getting food, and then Sapnap found me, and he brought me here, and then I met you, and then-" Cypress' own nervous rambles were cut off by a hand tracing the far side of her neck.

"No worries,"Dream spoke again, lightly gripping onto her neck,"You can just prove you aren't completely with them by burning down the forests around them. Imagine how they'll feel. Seeing someone they just brought in burning down their land." He paused,"I don't think they'll want you back." The lime figure sneered out, shoving her form into Sapnap who carefully caught her. Despite finding she was somewhat apart of L'Manberg, he didn't seem bothered by it.

"Come on, We'll have some fun alright Cy? You just gotta listen to us."Sapnap said, almost sweetly. His last words made her still in his arms, she gave a glance back to Dream and George, both of which had their arms crossed, looking directly at her.

"Go on little Spy. A little fire never hurt anyone" and with that, she let the raven haired man drag her to the woods surrounding L'Manberg


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