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Tw/cw: **POSSIBLE** 

Suicidal thoughts, depression, self harm, panic attacks, blood, cursing, yelling 

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.


After Cypress' and Techno's fight, he ultimately deemed she was now capable of defending herself. He gifted her armor, and had the woman promise to keep a totem on her at all times to prevent death yet again. 

"I'm going to find Tommy."She spoke, after using their table to enchant a bow. She wasn't sure what the strange inscriptions meant, but Technoblade assured her they were good. The man nodded, he was currently working on turning zombies back into villagers with the use of potions.

"There's a nether portal I think, east of the house."He informed, stepping back before throwing a potion of weakness.
"Take some potions with you, and ender pearls, just in case." Cypress nodded with an eye roll, before grabbing the listed items. Technoblade stopped what he was doing. He had long retired his red coat, opting for the blue one. In the time Cypress had been recovering, he had requested Phil make one for her. The woman's was made out of the same material as his old one, looked almost exactly like it, but the coat itself was warmer and more fit for the harsh wintery environment they were now living in.

"Cy, Wait, before you go."He started, reaching into a chest before pulling the clothing out, walking over to his friend. He looked slightly down at her, before wrapping the coat around her shoulders, fastening the golden buckles. She tilted her head slightly, before looking at the crimson material.

"It's yours. Phil and I made it for you."He blurted, not expecting the tight hug the woman wrapped him in.

"Thank you, Techno, really."She hugged him tighter, lightly kissing his cheek before pulling away. The pinkette's face was slightly flushed. Cypress thought of it as revenge for earlier during their fight. He shook his head lightly, pressing his own kiss to her cheek.

"Be safe alright? I'll be here."He spoke lightly, quickly kissing her again before shoving her out the door. If she didn't leave now he wouldn't let her go. She was the only person, aside from Phil and maybe Ghostbur, that he had a soft spot for. With anyone else he'd distance himself from them as quick as possible, but so many parts of him were drawn to the warmth she gave off. In general, Cypress felt like protection and home, from the time they first met to now. The amount of adventures they've shared together cemented the thought that he wished to stay with the woman for as long as his mortal body allowed.


The nether was warm. Cypress automatically enjoyed her trip. From where Techno's portal was, the one to the Dreamsmp was decently far. It was a bit out of the way, but there was a clear path to the main bridges that lined the sky. The woman had to remind herself that she was in fact alive, and could not bask in the molten pool like she had in the past. Part of her was sad, the intense heat she felt always calmed her, part of her wondered if she could create her own house in the nether just to secure the constant warmth.

When she had finally reached the blackstone path, she began following it. The walk was over the vast ocean of lava, if she was a ghost she would've jumped in with no worries. Beads of sweat started forming on her neck, there were strange decayed pig like men that sort of reminded her of Techno, minus the decayed part. The clothing was torn, and many of them held golden encrusted swords. She walked for around five or ten minutes before she came to the final bridge that led to the other portal. Cypress squinted, noticing a tall boy with blond hair, looking off the edge.

Cypress hesitated for a single moment, before breaking into a dead sprint, avoiding tripping on the loose rocks.
"Tommy don't you fucking dare!"She screamed out, causing the boy to turn to her, hot tears rushing down his face and then evaporating before they hit the ground.

"Mom...?"He whispered pathetically, looking back into the lake below him. His mother was dead, he could always join her. She seemed happy enough. He moved to take a step forehead, letting his body fall. Only to be stopped by another body crashing into him, causing his elbows to scrape against the rough floor. The teen felt warm arms around him.

"Mom? You're warm."He mumbled, looking up at the bedrock ceiling of the nether, his body stiffened, his mother was warm. Tommy glanced slightly down, seeing the yellow and translucentness absent from her body.

"Tommy. Why?"He heard her cry out, hugging him into her tighter. The teen blinked a few times, slowly wrapping his arms around his mom. She was alive. He didn't know how, but she was alive, and she was here, and he wasn't alone anymore.

"I wanted to go home.. Im alone mom, Dream's my only friend."He admitted. Sapnap and him had grown close, but even the other teen didn't stick around. Ghostbur was gone as well.

"Tommy.." He felt as if he was being suffocated, but he embraced it. Cypress was as warm as every, her mother-like hug returning some shine to his eyes.
"Tommy that wouldn't be a way home, you'd be stuck here. C'mon, let's go back to Logstedsire yeah? We can talk more there, and work on getting you new clothes. You're okay Tommy. I'm okay, so is everyone else. Your life is precious. Please, please don't do that again."Cypress begged, her own share of tears soaking into his torn shirt. The teen hugged her tighter, slowly breaking down and sobbing into her hair.

Tommy had missed her, more than he missed anyone, even Tubbo.

"I promise, can you.. Can you hold onto me? Just for a little longer."He requested, causing a small chuckle to escape from his mother.

"I'll never let you go Tommy."

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