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tw/cw: existential themes, cursing

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.


Dream watched bitterly as Cypress nudged her son towards the lava wall, Sam calling from the other side. They would be taking turns, first Tommy would go, upon Cypress' request, and then she would follow. The mother eyed Dream cautiously, moving to stand beside him, unmoving until Sam gave her the okay that Tommy was across and safe.

"I would say it was a pleasure, but you beat my son to death." She spoke, before turning. She looked almost curiously at him, tilting her head.
"I'll never forgive you. But I hope you find.. somewhere, in your heart to change how you are. Maybe there is something left of whatever we were in the beginning." Cypress paused, before setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dream, I want you to take the stories I've told you, I picked them for a reason. Don't let your form of a perfect reality cloud who you really are. Not this.. unhumane.. thing you are now. The Dream I knew back then, at the start of L'Manberg. Who gave me my axe, who helped heal me, even if you were the one to cause the damage."

"Have you taken it off..?" He asked, vulnerability lacing his voice, almost seeming like an innocent child.

"I promised I wouldn't, didn't I? I try my best not to break my promises if I can." Cypress spoke, feeling Dream slide his hand towards her neck, picking up three separate chains. One was a pendant of Aella, an ancestor of hers. The other was almost like a dog tag, the original L'manbergians had recieved them with the help of Niki. The last chain was golden, a large difference from the silver of the others.

"Thank you. I know I'm not a good person, I won't promise you any safety, nor your family, because I can't secure that. Talking to you.. was nice. I didn't deserve even that much, let alone you not taking off the necklace." He was cut off by a small hush, Dream carefully thumbed the golden wing-like design. He gave her a bittersweet smile before reaching into his shirt, pulling out an almost identical one.
"One day, I'll make it up to you. At least if I can survive whatever keeps my mind captive. I think this is the first time I've felt something in so long. It almost makes me want to beg you to stay. To keep you here, maybe to myself." Cypress stilled, hearing Sam begin to tell her to let him know when she was ready.

"Dream, the last thing you'll ever have is me to yourself. I am not an object to be passed along. I'm a person, I'm a.. human? I don't know what I am. But, I'm a person, and you can't treat people like objects. I wish you good luck in your endeavo-"

"Wait! please.." Dream started, reaching out to the woman who dodged his hand.
"Please, I'll remove what I did, Cypress, Cy, please. I can't do this alone." He begged, falling onto his knees, as if praying to her.

"Dream, I'll visit you, but I'm not staying here. Please remove what you did." She requested, feeling his hands grab at her pants, she looked down at him with a tilted head.

"How." He grunted out.
"How do you do it? Why are you.. Do you not feel bad? What is wrong with you. This should be the other way around.. I..I'm a god, why am I.." Dream was cut off by a hitched, long laugh.

"Oh Dream, come on now." Cypress squatted down, wrapping her hand underneath his chin, dragging his face closer to his, poking the soft skin of his cheeks with her nails.
"I won't give up my earthly possessions. But I'll endure tenfold of what I feel now if it means you change." she paused.

"And you? a god? That's pitiful and you know it. People don't pronounce themselves gods. But, regardless." She hummed lightly, sinking her nails into his cheek, crescent, bloody markings indenting in his face. Cypress roughly pushed him back, before stepping away from him, onto what would move her to the otherside. With a sigh, she turned around, only moving her head to finally say. 

"Only a god can kill a god." 


Once she reached the other side, Sam pulled her into a hug.

"God I thought he would've killed you." he mumbled into her shoulder, before releasing the woman, only to be met with a pain, grief-filled wail from across the lava fall.

"No, he can't kill me." She spoke calmly, earning a weird look from both men. Tommy was glued to her side, now clutching onto her shoulder.
"C'mon, we can go find somewhere for you to stay, or you can stay wit-"

"No, Mum.. it's okay, Could we go to SnowChester? Maybe see Tubbo? Big Q? I was.. I was dead for two days, no one knows I'm alive. Could we see them?" The teen asked hesitantly, earning him three small squeezes in his right hand. His mum's signal for 'I love you'. He squeezed back carefully, following Sam and his mother out of the prison.

Once they got most of their stuff back, Cypress clipped her coat back on, tucking herself into the cooled fabric, breathing a sigh of relief at the sudden safeness she felt. Sam paused for a second, before reaching back into the chest, pulling out something familiar.

"Here. I managed to-" He was cut off from the woman swiping the axe from him, clutching it close to her body, testing the handle like she used to do.

"Thank you. I'll repay you somehow." She offered, before taking Tommy's hand yet again, leading the teen out of the prison.

"I want to go visit Tubbo on my own I think, I miss him." The blond began, earning a small nod from Cypress.

"Feel free, remember to be careful, let me know if you need anything. I'll be around.. I need to go see someone though." She informed, pressing a kiss to his cheek, which he returned.

"Bye Mum." was the only goodbye he offered, before tucking his hands into his pants, walking along the path on his way to find Tubbo. Cypress waited until he was out of distance before she began walking towards a few familiar houses. She paused, stopping in front of one, knocking on the door. A small groan was heard from inside the house. Tapping her foot, she waited until the door was opened by a tired, shorter man.

"Hey, care to talk about our lord and savior DreamXD?" She questioned, tilting her head, a teasing grin resting on her face, adjusting her grip on the axe.

George froze, blinking a few times, rubbing his eyes, and was left wondering how the hell the woman knew about his newfound connections with the god, and how she was here in the first place.

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