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tw/cw: cursing

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

I am being nice today :)

Thank me


Cypress woke with herself curled up against Technoblade, the half piglin hybrid having his arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, seemingly half awake.

"You awake..?" He mumbled, his voice rough around the edges, tiredness spilling over his mouth. She responded with a small nod, moving to sit up before the pinkette shoved her back down.
"C'mon, stay for a while, I'll carry you out."

Cypress moved to disagree before she felt him push her into his clothing further, before letting out a soft groan, allowing herself to drift back to her slumber yet again. Technoblade grumbled, hearing the door slowly creek open, the hybrid poking his head into the crack.

"What." He muttered, refraining a glare. Ranboo paused for a second before opening the door all the way.

"Tubbo and I.. uh-" He started, rubbing the back of his neck.
"We wanted to go out for a day or two? Phil said you guys could watch Michael?"

"Heeh? Phil said what. I never agreed to this."

"Phil said you could, Tubbo wanted to talk to you about Michael's allergies too." The pinkette felt the woman shift again, before sitting up, causing him to internally groan.

"Michael..?" She murmured, shifting back onto the balls of her feet, before pushing herself off the floor.
"Yeah. we'll watch him, go have fun." She waved Ranboo causing Techno to grip onto her wrist loosely.

"Cy, you.. are you sure that's a good idea, last night was kind o-" Cypress cut him off, shifting her hand so their hands were laced together.

"I think some time with.. my grandson, would be nice. I haven't met him." The words felt foreign on her tongue, she wasn't old at all, but the thought that she already had a grandson made  her feel the part.

"If you say so, we can head out now." Techno gave up, the woman pulling him up, before wrapping her arms around him in a quick hug.

"C'mon, C'mon, C'mon." She pleaded, slowly trying to tug him out of the room, back to their house where Michael would be.

"I think I might just.." He grinned with a small laugh, allowing his body to fall limp onto hers, weighing her shoulders down.

"Oh you big lump, get off of me." She grumbled, Technoblade had a patient smile. Often times when people, especially those he knew, would find odd mechanisms of coping. Of course, it worried him. She had gotten over something in a near day of sleeping, and he only hoped it wasn't a temporary thing.

Technoblade wasn't the most emotional man, in fact he found it hard to express himself in many more ways than people could imagine. More negative emotions seemed to weigh down on his conscious, the constant worry for his friends, those he considered family. Cypress was above it all though, in his opinion. He would always worry about her the most, even if the woman was capable of taking care of herself. The man had seen so many times where she would allow her own emotions to run wild, and often times it resulted in so much heartache that he could hardly process it. But he still loved her.

Despite her flaws, everything she had done, Cypress had stayed by him the best she could. Even going against her own children to stay beside him. Techno wasn't sure if it was her placing him as a priority, or simply teaching her kids a lesson. Among other things, she had been the one to save him from death so many countless times. He hated admitting it, but while he had crossed the barrier of life and death only once, she had nearly six times. While he seemed to be an 'undying god' and a 'blood god' as the voices told him. She seemed to contrast to him. Many times over, his own voices would describe her as sacrificial, something that could be toyed with, something that wasn't exactly present on their universal plane. They always seemed to go on tangents. Sometimes about love, sometimes about how even if Techno killed her, Cypress would come back.

Technoblade, personally, thought she knew this. That she knew being with him had caused her to sacrifice her life over and over again, until who knows how long. He was one of the reasons for her reckoning, and he'd never let himself forget the guilt and stinging of her deaths which lie on his shoulders.
Perhaps that's why he cared so much now, he often contemplated whether or not he actually loved her, sometimes it was his own doubts constantly ricocheting between uncertainties.  They had a long time together to figure it out, thankfully. The pinkette believed he loved her, more than anything. If someone had asked him to think of home, or even describe it, her name would be the first thing coming out of his mouth.

Even now, he had ironically named her seat in the syndicate. He didn't find her draining, most of the time it was a rare occurrence, but she felt warm, and energetic, and Techno would never forget how his heart seemed to skip beats when she was around him. He was afraid to feel such uncertain emotions, she seemed to become the opposite of his doubts and initiate everything he wanted. He couldn't have asked any more from her, truly. She had supplied him a home after he abandoned his old one with Phil and Wilbur.

The woman had begged her father, being only near fifteen, to allow him to stay and work. Her father was an almost elderly man, he was tall, with lighter hair than hers. It always bugged him sometimes, how her father pretended his wife was still alive while raising two daughters. Something had always seemed so off about it. How could you pretend someone who was dead was still alive. Perhaps he had done it too. Her entire ghostly experienced had rubbed him the wrong way, despite him loving her to death, it felt so odd.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by Cypress letting out a soft laugh, he felt coolness dripping from his face and a hardened glare settled. 

"What do ya think you're doin'" He asked, holding back a grumble due to the little oinks and snorts that followed.

"They still haven't taught you how to speak our tongue, have they. Well, c'mon." Cypress cooed, squatting down and holding her arms out, which Michael happily jumped into, resting his chin on her shoulder, sticking out his tongue at the pinkette.

"Di- Cy, did you see that? He's a littl-" Technoblade was about to reach out a grab the kid before Cypress turned with a raised eyebrow.

"You'll do what? As far as I know this cutie didn't do anything." She turned back around with another laugh once Michael stuck out his tongue again.


"Michael didn't do anything."

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