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Y'all got just excited as I was last chapter. Also, I decided on doing a small q/a, probably on the top or bottom of a shorter chapter/a separate page maybe small questions on either Cypress or myself? Im cool, so there's one answered :D

Fun fact: the reason I usually stay in third person is so you don't know what Cypress is thinking, or planning, or doing :P


After Cypress' interaction with Fundy, she left him cowering on his knees, dirt and ash collecting onto his clothes. The woman still loved the small fox, but her plans could be possibly hindered if she hadn't threatened the boy.

She walked back into her home, Niki had stopped crying and was now passed out on her couch. Cypress carefully started packing up her containers of soup, crops, and other foods she's cooked throughout the day. Tubbo came running into the the house through the back door, giving his mother a large smile, Niki had knitted him a bee stuffed animal, and he ended up taking it everywhere in his pocket. Since he was under Shlatt's command, he was given a suit.

"uh, Mom?"He asked carefully, the teen moving over to her."Do you know how to tie ties?" He gestured to the table which held his tailored suit, she nodded."Go on and get the easy stuff on, I'll show you before you leave."She said softly, beginning the process of brewing tea for her, Tubbo, and then Niki once she woke. After a few minutes, the teen called for her, making her turn off the heat on the stove, and walking into his room. It wasn't the cleanest, but it was his space. As long as he kept his belongings in his room, she could care less.

Cypress laughed lightly, and moved forward to Tubbo, crouching down a bit before buttoning up a button he missed and then smoothing the white undershirt. Her semi-monotone voice hadn't bothered Tubbo in the slightest, he was grateful for what she did for the rest of L'Manberg, and in his eyes she'd always be seen as one of his heros. She always saw the best in people, despite whatever wrong doing they'd do to her. Tubbo looked up to her.

"So, you take this, make sure they're uneve-"She began teaching him how to tie a tie, tuck in it and how to straighten it. It made her heart hurt, he looked a lot more grown up than he used to. He wasn't exactly her son, but she cared about Tubbo and Tommy more than almost anything, Niki and Wilbur being included in that. Once she was finished, she let him try on his own. Thankfully her explanation was almost perfect and he got it right away.

"Mom are you leaving?"He asked, his voice lowering as if he was making sure his voice didn't break. He moved to put on the overcoat, letting her button it up and smooth it at. Cypress sighed, and pulled him into a hug.

"I am Tubbo, I'll try to get letters to you somehow."She paused and held him tighter, struggling to keep her own tears in check."It'll be okay, mind listening to my rambles for a few seconds, you gotta remember them okay? Promise?"Cypress asked, pulling away and holding out her pinky finger, he crossed his with hers with a sad smile. She dug into her pocket, placing his own custom necklace in his hands, before pressing another into his hand,"That's for Fundy okay? Make sure you give it to him."

"Tubbo I love you so much, and no matter what happens in the future, you aren't allowed to forget it. I'll always be here with you, as long as you'll have me with you. Don't be too hard on yourself while working under the goat. I wish we had done so much more together in our time here, but we'll do all of it some other day. When we all have the chance. I'll have Tommy move in with me, and we can all just live together and be happy for a while. I promise it'll be okay,"She paused wincing at the muffled sobs, he was pressing his face into her, clinging onto the white fabric,"Someday I'll find the right words to describe my love for you and Tommy, and they'll be so simple. No fancy words, no rambles. Straight to the point. Be careful Tubbo. I truly to love you with all my heart." Her voice started cracking and she shed a few tears into the boys hair. Cypress slowly let go, kissing his forehead. 

"I have to go Tubbo."She whispered sadly, he nodded, rubbing his puffy eyes before following her downstairs. Niki was awake, she must've noticed the bags packed because her eyes were puffed up too."C'mere Niki"She beckoned, holding on her arms, which the younger woman dove into.

"Cypress? I think your a hero."This phrase caused her to stiffen, her muscles and jaw tensed. She slowly relaxed, and squeezed Niki gently.

"I'm not hero Niki, it's not in me."She spoke carefully, as if choosing her words out of a wordbank. Niki slowly nodded, and pulled away, standing next to Tubbo. Cypress was about to speak before the door burst open.

"Dude what the hell. Were you actually just going to leave without saying goodbye. Kinda rude."Sapnap and Karl, with Quackity behind them all had their arms crossed, in fact they did it in unison, which prompted Cypress to think it was rehearsed. She rolled her eyes, and hugged all three of the boys, thanking them and wishing them good luck. The last person had finally walked into her home. Eret was a King. She remembered that, but to her kings were weak, she was a queen. Much more powerful. She gave him a gently hug, pressing a kiss to his cheek once he crouched down a tiny bit. She strapped her bag to her bag, carrying two more with her free hand. 

In Cypress' right hand was her axe, which she had learned the metal to be netherite, one found in the nether. She gave Tubbo and Niki a final hug, before leaving her house. She was never given any coordinates to their new base, but the woman walked into the direction of where the two men had ran. Her black cloak hood was over her face as she walked silently in the woods, cursing when she realized she forgot her pet, he'd be in good hands with Tubbo, so she wasn't that worried. Cypress' noticed the thin bridge leading across a shallow lake, she tested the strength before carefully walking across it, her boots making little to no sound.

The sun was slowly setting, it didn't worry her too much, she just didn't like being out too late, weird things would happen at night in this world. Aside from the occasional chopped down tree, there were no other signs of the two men. She groaned a little, fiddling with her axe. She paused for a second, completely stopping her movements. With a small smile, her gaze flitted over to a larger tree.

"I can hear you."She spoke as loudly as she could, hearing a small curse. Apparently the boy in the bushes was meant to be a distraction because she heard footsteps behind her. She swung her axe around, moving her body with it, causing the netherite sword to slide off her weapon, hers was pointed at the person's neck, while the sword was off center from her, almost out of the man's hand.


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