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Hello! Truly thank you for all the support you've been giving me as well as this story. It means a lot. I decided to make this more of a 'slight' filler chapter(The next 2-3),  mainly to build the relationship!. As i've found a sort of character claim, I'll probably be including pictures more :D


Following the events of the whole bathtub incident, Dream had managed to wash the remaining layers of soap out of the girls hair, deciding just to stay in the bathtub with her. It made things a lot easier in his opinion. After finishing her hair, he slowly stood up, wincing a bit as his hoodie and pants weighed him down.

"Wait here, I'll be right back."He was going soft when it came to Cypress. She made him feel different than anyone he had ever met. He quickly moved into her private room, he put his mask back on before this of course, but he slid off his soaking clothes before pulling out two lime green hoodie and black pants from the black chest in the closet. He debated grabbing something else, before he decided against it. He shut the chest, and opened the closet to find more general clothes. Dream randomly picked some pants, them happening to be a grey sweatpant sort of material. He quickly made his way back to the girl, digging through the bathroom cabinets for a towel. He set all of the clothes that weren't his onto the toilet, and turned to Cypress, who was just staring at the wall.

"Hey, Cy, come on we gotta get out now."He prodded gently, scooping her out of the tub, before placing her on the mat on the floor. It was sort of like instructing a toddler, not that he minded, she seemed sort of out of it since she woke up. He grabbed the white fluffed up towel, and draped it over her shoulders. Sapnap would kill him if he was in there for too long.

"You can go ahead and get dressed, I'll wait in your room, just come out whenever, I think they have the food done." and with that Dream patted her silken black hair, leaving the bathroom.

Cypress stared at the clothes for a second. He gave him his own clothes, which she thought was kind of funny. She kicked her old, torn and bloodied clothes off to the side, before slipping on the lime green hoodie. It contrasted heavily with her own pale skin. The insides were lined with a plush sort of fluff, causing all of her body heat to sink into her skin comfortably. She saw why he wore these all the time, they felt like a hug. She stepped into the pants carefully, tugging at the strings. They were a bit looser due to her weight loss, but other than that they fit nicely.

She slipped on her socks, before moving herself out of the bathroom. Dream was sat on her now clean bedding, fiddling with what looked like a bracelet. He had his mask on, which somewhat disappointed her. She was able to see his face for only a few seconds, but if it made him more comfortable to hide it, then Cypress didn't mind. Dream wanted to let out a small snicker. They were only a few inches in height, but the hoodie looked like it had swallowed her. She noticed he had his hood down, which allowed her to get a good look at his hair. It was decently kept up, meaning it wasn't gross or anything. It was a dark blonde, bordering on a chestnut brown. It suited him.

He stood up, holding out his hand, a small blush moving over his face. It was weird for him to feel so warm in a nice way, the mask allowed a lot of coverage though, so it's not like the girl took any notice to it. Cypress gently grabbed his hand, looking off to the side. She felt nervous for some reason. It wasn't like she had never held someone's hand, she held Wilbur's, Tommy, Tubbo's, even Eret's. 

"Dream, what happened to the rest of them?"Cypress asked, squeezing his hand. His masked face turned to her, squeezing her hand back.

"That's actually what I was going to take you to after we eat."He spoke lightly,"You will have to come back here though, I won't rip you away from them."In any other scenario he would have. The man was lying through his teeth. If her injury and state hadn't bothered him so much, she'd be an almost prisoner in the castle, used for leverage. Cypress nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. It was the first one since she had got here, at least the first genuine one.

"Thank you, Dream."She paused,"I'll come back without a fight if I can see them when I want."She tried, Cypress didn't know if she was pushing her luck, but it didn't hurt to try. He slowly nodded, causing her smile to widen. She was excited to see them again. They made their way down the stairs, hearing chatter and banter from the three others staying in the palace. There was a decent brunch set out, sandwiches and almost four or five types of meat. It was all very elaborate.  

As they approached the table, Sapnap was the first to notice her, letting out a large laugh, chicken almost flying out of his mouth. Cypress winced and sat down next to the raven-haired man, and next to wear Dream sat at the end of the table. George was eating across from her, there was an empty seat next to the colorblind man, Eret sat at the other end of the table, sipping what looked like wine out of a chalice. She looked in her own, seeing the blood-red substance looking back at her. George kicked her shoe.

"You don't have to drink it, there's water too."He advised, a teasing grin on his face. They all seemed like a family, minus Eret of course. The King was just housing them. Sapnap grabbed her shoulder seriously, holding up a leg of the chicken.

"Cy, I bet I can eat this faster than you."He boasted, earning a small laugh from the girl beside him. Sapnap was proud of himself."Haha, I made her laugh before you!"He yelled, pointing at his lime colored friend, sticking his tongue out. Dream's eye twitched under his mask. A 'innocent' smile made its way onto his face, before he launched a piece of turkey straight at the boy. Cypress blinked, seeing the meat slowly slip down Sapnap's face. She couldn't help but laugh more. 


The girl paused for a second, picking up a biscuit before launching it at George, then grabbing another, throwing it at Eret. It landed in his cup of wine, allowing the substance to spill all over his heads. The two men with glasses looked at me, looked at eachother, before looking back at me again. I felt fear fill my body. Sapnap looked at me with the most terrified expression. He pulled up his bag, shoveling food into it, prodding me to start filling my pockets with bread. Dream held up ten fingers, slowly counting down.

"10."he started, putting down a finger. Panic could easily be sensed between Sapnap and I, causing us to hurry.

"CY R U N!"He quickly yelled, grabbing my arm before dragging me outside the castle.

It felt so nice to feel the air again, the ground beneath my feet. The three men were chasing after up. I was laughing so loudly, it felt so nice. To be truly happy for the first time in a while.

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