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tw/cw: Blood, wound description, death, panic attacks, hair tugging

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

Note: Events are bound to be mixed around just for the sake of content and me not wanting to make too many filler chapters


The hanged man is a funny card.


Once Dream's body went limp, Cypress tore the sword out of his abdomen, not minding the spray of blood that followed. As soon as the man was dead, the voices in her head ceased. It was overwhelming, the amount of different chants she'd hear ever since she got more involved with Dream. There were constant songs being hummed, the sounds of letters, the craving for blood. It all felt like too much to her.

She felt a gaze behind her, and turned her gaze to Phil, who was staring at the body in shock, moving his eyes to the woman's. The man had large wings, something quite unusual for anyone else, but she supposed that Fundy was a fox, so having wings wasn't that unordinary. 

"Cypress.." He trailed off, flickering to the spots of blood, before moving to the wound on her shoulder, which was leaking crimson liquid. The man in front of her didn't seem scared, moreso nervous or worried.
"We need to go." Phil finished, taking smooth steps towards the woman, one of his wings wrapping around her form as a means of comfort. She hummed, flicking the sword, the already sizzling liquid falling off.

"Where's Techno?" She asked, wiping her bloodied hands on her clothing, she would wash it later.

"With Tubbo and Tommy, he's spawning more withers." The man answered, keeping his wing around her. Being with Techno had worried him, especially when he heard about his son hearing voices. When they resurrected  her, there were many complications with the method they chose, diving into a more reliable, darker versions of rituals. They could have pushed her off the same cliff she passed on, but seeing as Ghostbur never would have, they had no way of completing it. Phil was afraid that her newfound life bonding with Dream would cause complication. The father had heard the conversation, and it was apparent the woman struggled going against him as of recent.

"I better go he-" She began, only feeling the wing pull her closer, shutting the woman up quickly.

"Cy, stay with me alright? Technoblade won't hurt them. I know he has before, but he never got past what had happened with Tubbo, so, stay with me. please. We need to get rid of this place." Cypress blinked a few times, weighing the options before nodding.

"Do you know where Ranboo is? I need to speak to him." She started, trying to find the hybrid teen in the midst of the chaos. The land beneath them was ruined, pits that were slowly filling with water were littered everywhere, many people had ended up being trapped, hoping to swim or climb out. They had done a lot of damage.

"He ran off not too long ago, I'm not sure where." Phil answered, watching the woman's eyes scan the destruction.

"I'll meet you guys back at the base, I'm going to find Ranboo." He tried to stop her, reaching out his hand to grab hers, but stopped halfway. She'd be safe, he reassured himself, pearling off the obsidian grid in order to find his son, who was slightly panting, a worried Sapnap shoving golden apples into his arms.

"Dude, c'mon. I thought you never died, let's go, pick it up, we gotta go back to the house." The ravenette prompted, trying to shove the pinkette in the direction of the nether portal, his pushes weren't very hard from what Phil saw. Sapnap had ended up growing on the father and son, the latter was now more guarded due to the incident with Tommy, but Dream's former friend seemed to bring out a different side of Phil's son.

"Where's Cypress?" Technoblade grunted out, taking bites off the golden encrusted apple. Phil gave him a small smile.

"She's finding Ranboo.. Dream.." He trailed off, his eyes shifting to the grid.
"Dream's dead, she said she'd meet us at home." Sapnap's eyes widened. Part of him felt conflicted. Cypress was his nonbiological sister, she had been there when Dream wasn't, but knowing she murdered him, despite all the pain his friend caused her, left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Dream's dead?" The ravenette asked, fiddling with the chain on his pants, earning a nod from Phil.

"They formed a blood contract." Technoblade blinked, "Favors will be paid regardless of what it entails." The father nodded, setting a hand on Sapnap's shoulder in attempts to comfort him.

"Dream told her to." He added, earning a nod and sigh with the other.

"Let's go, we're not needed here."


Cypress had been searching for her hybrid friend, in hopes of gifting him a totem. As of now, she had four, she had stolen two from Dream whilst he was unconscious and planned to give her sons one each, as well as Ranboo, who had recently grown on her. She wasn't sure exactly where she was going, the voices were back, some being helpful, wishing her good luck, and sets of numbers. Others were saying nonsensical things, letters on repeat, songs, blood. In hopes of ignoring the  nonhelpful voices, she focused in on the ones who were telling her directions, hoping to trust them.

After a while, there was a thin cave entrance, she heard loud, panicked talking towards the end, occasional fists slamming against the wall. Taking a deep breath, she started walking towards whatever was making the noise. The entire room felt negative. Cypress was in the doorway, Ranboo pressed against the wall, breathing heavily with his hands tugging at his hair. She froze for a second, reading the signs lining the walls. her vision went white for a few seconds, images of a smiley face popping up. She grunted, shaking her head, ignoring the spots that coated the edges of her sight.

Ranboo felt warm arms wrap around him, whispering soothing words drowning out his own voices, Dream's voice.

"Ranboo you're okay." She mumbled, rocking them gently back and forth, pressing the hybrid into her further. The half enderman's fists clutched onto her clothes, sobbing into her chest, his body shaking in panic.

"Breath with me okay?" Cypress was calm, taking in slow deep breaths, holding them, before letting them out again.
"You're safe, no one can hurt you, you're okay." She continued this until the teen in her arms was calm, the shaking ceasing.

"H-he.. Dream.. H..He was here, in my head, he's talking to me, why is he- I didn't- I can't.. remember. Did I blow it up? I- he said I helped him, Cypress did I help him? Pl..Please i dont' know, please... please.." His voice was drowned out by the woman shoving him closer.

"I don't know. Dream's dead, he isn't here." Her voice was soft with her words, gently running her fingers through his split hair, attempting to ignore the congealed blood creating layers to her wound.

"I hear voices too, it's okay." Ranboo blinked a few times in shock, She heard things?

"What.. do you hear?"

"Well, there's tons of voices, constantly talking. It's how I found you, some of them don't make sense, but, they can be useful. But i understand, they say negative things sometimes, but that's okay, You're okay. Techno hears them too, the voices. We both understand what you're going through." She paused, noticing the man relaxing, before starting to remove her arms.

"Please, Please hug me for a bit longer, this feels so familiar." He begged, she agreed, wrapping them around him again.

"Ranboo? Come with me, back to our home, Techno and I can help you through this."

"I-I.." He paused, giving her a small nod.


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