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A month or so had passed since Cypress had gone fishing with Phil. Every week he would now take her to a different pond, they'd fish for an hour or two, and then he'd walk her back home. It became a routine. Dream visited her more often, so did her sons. Tommy and Tubbo had been trying to spend as much time with her, the blonde moreso. Seeing as Tubbo was president, and had recently welcomed a few people, Connor, who apparently knew Tommy, as well as Puffy and Ranboo.

She'd met them all on the first day, but her ghostly form had ended up spooking the three, so she decided it was best to have a conversation later. Ranboo had been close with Tommy as well. During her days with Dream, she'd see them running around, listening to some discs, stuff like that. He'd been to her house several times within a week. She didn't mind the company, but she sometimes wished she could go outside for more than ten minutes without the man trailing behind her.

Cypress ended up not having  any interaction with anyone aside from her sons and the man. Until today of course. Dream was absent from his daily visit. She decided it would be a good idea to go out, the firewood Tommy would go out and collect was always missing the next day, this left her cold. She hated being so cold.

The woman gently shut the door behind her, 'stepping' onto the soft grass. She looked around for a few seconds, before making her way into the built up L'Manberg. Once Ghostbur noticed her outside, he happily jogged over to her.

"Ghostess! Hello."He greeted, a grin appearing on his face. She gave her ghost friend a smile back. As time went on, more of her negative memories slowly started disappearing from her mind. She still had emotions attached to memories, but she couldn't remember. Ghostbur and her ended up becoming very good friends, even with the limited interaction.

"I made this for you." The ghost handed her a cream knitted sweater, she felt it with her hands, a smile appearing on her face.

"Thank you Ghostbur."She thanked, slipping on the sweater, it was a tad big, but that was a lot better than too small on her ghost body.

"He destroyed my house!"The ghosts turned, seeing George pointing a finger at the blond, Dream standing slightly to the side. Cypress grabbed Wilbur's hand, leading him over to where the adults were.

"I did not! There's absolutely no proof it was me. I would never do something like that."Tommy looked to the side,"I was with Niki and Ranboo for most of the night anyways. I wouldn't have had any time."

Dream hummed, letting his gaze move onto the female ghost, despite her face remaining neutral, he could even feel the anger bubbling beneath her non-existent skin. A small grin made its way onto his face, it hidden by the white mask.

"I want Tommy on trial. We can prove whether he griefed George's house or not."He requested, making the teen let out a groan, going to yell at the older man.

"I agree."Tubbo responded,"If you're innocent, you have nothing to worry about." 

The same grin stayed on the green man's face, before he held out a hand to Cypress. She looked at it hesitantly, but carefully placed her translucent one in his. Tommy's eyes narrowed. Something had been going on with his mom. He decided it probably had to do with Dream. He always had something to do with it.

"Fine." Her blond son grumbled, slowly walking to the court building. Dream squeezed her hand, it felt tighter than he normally would, she was a ghost so it wasn't as if it hurt or anything. He only loosened it when he started feeling his finger tips faze through her hand. The green hoodied man led her, a bit behind Tommy, with George by his side. Ranboo, Niki, Tubbo and Ghostbur joined as well. Fundy and Quackity ran to catch up with the group, giving her a small smile.

Cypress found it strange. When you died suddenly everyone was a lot nicer to you, spending more time, trying to make more memories. She'd admit it made her a bit angrier than she'd wished. They should've been kind and made memories when she was alive and breathing. When she could still feel her chest expand with every breath, the soft grass beneath her feet. Being able to taste food again, the warmth that came with being alive. She missed it.

Tommy was shoved into one of the cells, which was designed that if they were found guilty, they'd be thrown into lava. The ghost woman moved to go help him, but froze once Dream stuck out his arm in front of her. She sighed, and returned to his side. She didn't feel much, but near Dream she'd become hesitant and uncertain. Nowadays, he'd been the only one to consistently visit her, so Cypress assumed she owed him something.

The trial went on for a while, and in the end, it didn't seem like Tommy was as innocent as he claimed.

"I want him punished. More than some stupid parole."Dream spoke up, Tubbo seemed a bit panicked, before slowly nodding.

"We can further discuss punishment, how about tomorrow?" Dream hummed for a few seconds, his gaze shifting to the ghost who looked at her sons in worry, before shifting to Tommy, who looked pissed off.

"Tomorrow then."He agreed, before patting Cypress' shoulder, and leading George away. Once he was gone, the woman ran over to her son, bringing the taller boy into a hug. Tommy looked down, carefully wrapping his arms around the woman, he'd been especially gentle with her. He just wished her embrace was the same. The blond tightly shoved his nose into her neck, trying to ignore the urge to cry into the woman.

"It'll be okay Tommy, I promised I'd never leave you didn't I?" She said softly, reaching her hand up to lightly brush out his hair. The teen sniffled, burying his head into her knit sweater.

"I'll be with you Tommy, as long as I can. I promise you that."

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