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(Small Note! I will provide cw or tw whenever there is something that could be possible trigger. If anyone becomes uncomfortable with anything, let me know! I'll put a cw/tw at the top of that chapter! Most chapters do contain swears!)

Cypress had woken up to blacked out sunglasses and hands on her shoulders. Sitting up in a panic, she slammed her head against the top of Eret's bunk. Holding her head in pain, she looked up at the man. Eret looked guilty. He looked.. so guilty. She were about to open your mouth to ask if he was okay, when he cut her off.

"Wilbur asked if you would run outside and collect some things for farming,"He paused, pushing up his glasses,"Someone else would've gone, but no one... really knows you exist aside from L'Manberg." He explained. Cypress thought it was convincing enough, and stood up in her bed.

"Do you think it's safe to stay in this?"She gestured to the uniform she had on, the young woman had slept in it, as did the others of the nation.

Eret shook his head,"Most likely not, there are a few people who could shoot you down if they saw you in it." Cypress thought he spoke so regally. His voice was smooth, not a hint of hesitation laced his words. She concluded he was telling the genuine truth, and began to take off the navy coat. Eret quickly got the message and moved out of the room. Cypress was now adorned in her normal pants, but instead of the coat and white shirt, a deep maroon hoodie of sorts now covered her. She picked a few materials out of the bag, discarding the sword that was previously in the leather sack.  The british woman had mentioned to Tommy about preferring an axe, which he supplied, the only terms he had applied were that, she could not be a bitch. She thought it fair. 

Cypress tucked the heavy axe into the belt that had come with the things given to her. Aparently L'Mangerg was low on resources, seeing as the only food she was given were a few baked potatoes and a bundle of carrots. Perhaps she could bring back some steak or pork while she was out, on her way into the colony she had noticed a decent amount of livestock. After deciding she had everything she could possibly need, an axe, food, a potion of healing Tubbo had gifted her for an 'arrival gift' as well as a basket and some sticks. Cypress exited the van heading off past the walls, her hands tucked into the pouch of her hoodie. For some strange reason she felt as if she was being watched, the girl was never a very paranoid person, but she kept her feelings to herself, allowing her eyes to scan the trees as she walked. Tommy had mentioned to follow the wooden path, there would be a farm near his old house, which was a sad ,stone house built into a small hill

Cypress leaned down, crouching over the small carrot farm next to the blonds house. It was quite puny, but she took whatever crops she could harvest before replanting just in case. Standing up with her eyes closed, and turning around was never the greatest idea, alas she did it anyways. Her movements were halted by a sharp point in the center of her neck. She opened her eyes, only to be met with a male who was in fact shorter than her, holding a shining light blue sword to her neck. The tip of it singed her skin, beginning to create an angry red mark.

"Can I...uh,"She paused, trying to keep herself from losing her shit,"Can I help you?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. The man looked her up and down, he smelt like ash and burnt cedar wood. It was surprisingly comforting, familiar even. He let out a loud groan, swiping the sword away from her neck. She let out a soft breath of relief, adjusting the basket that was resting in her arms.

"God I thought I caught one of the L'Manbergians."The male spat, genuinely upset. He tucked the sword back into his pocket before glancing at her. He was a little shocked. 

"I've never seen you here before.."He paused,"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" Cypress asked back quickly, keeping eye contact although her mind begged her not to."Im.. Cypress? Call me Cy if you please."She answered, deciding to add Tubbo's nickname into her speech.

"Do you know what L'Manberg is?" He asked suspiciously,"Oh yeah, sorry about your neck, im Sapnap, or Nick. Moreso Sapnap." Sapnap explained, he ran his hand through his tousled, dark brown hair."Come with me, I'll help you patch it up. Be thankful you aren't from L'Manberg, I probably would've killed you right there."He said, grinning as if his words meant nothing. Cypress gulped, keeping herself calm. She thought this was all insanely fucked. She was from L'Manberg now. This guy would kill her if she was.

Cypress calmed herself, before following the tanned male, her boots tapping against the wooden path they walked along.

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