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Tw/cw: **POSSIBLE** 

 blood, cursing, yelling, torn skin, nail picking

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.


Some events are of coursed switched in order to fit with the new timeline that the story follows.

Dream's train death isn't canon for plot purposes

I played minecraft with someone cool today and defiantly didn't die like once,


"How have you been Cypress." Dream asked, moving his pawn. He had started developing suspicion that his methods were dwindling, but he knew it never would've had a permanent effect. He could easily tell the woman did in fact have a phobia of water. Aquaphobia wasn't uncommon, and the ravenette in front of him had valid reasons. It just annoyed him that he could no longer exploit her weaknesses in the way he originally wanted. Killing off her children would give her no motivation to continue to stay here, and then Quackity would come into power and continuously become a headache, more than he already was. The man could always go after Techno, her assumed lover, or use the woman herself as a hostage. It was unclear to him how he was suppose to go about this. With Sam making the prison, it could be a final options for the woman and her family.

Cypress was calmly sipping a cup of tea which Eret had given her. The pair had become close the past few days of her 'house arrest' she could always leave when she wanted, at least to a certain extent, but having mock fights and tea with the former king had brought her peace of mind. Whenever the woman was with Dream, her mind tended to unravel the wrath dormant.

"As fine as I can be. I plan on visiting L'Manberg today." She responded simply, hiding the annoyance in her voice. Chess had always been a comfort game, she enjoyed the tacticalness, but playing it with Dream made her insides boil. She was moments away from smashing the mask of his. 

"Tubbo went to go visit Tommy yesterday."He spoke, making the woman shrug lightly, Sapnap had already confirmed to her that Tommy was fine, sure a little shaken, but her absence hadn't caused him too much trouble. The male raventte had also visited her as much as often, she had overheard him refering to her as a sister the past two or three days to Karl and George. After El Rapids was formed, located behind L'Manberg, she had decided to intact a peace treaty of sorts. Seeing as it was in her power to do so, she also requested George and Sapnap to visit her in order to keep her company, and also to spite Dream. When lecturing her son about his dead horse, Dream had mentioned that he no longer cared for anything aside from Tommy's disk. This caused a lot of hesitation and breaking within the trio, causing the two to defect from the Dreamsmp, and join Quackity.

"That's strange, I was under the impression you weren't speaking to my sons. I would appreciate if you didn't speak to them anymore unless it has to do with whatever governmental issues you may be having." The hoodied man chuckled, reaching over the table, causing his king to fall. Cypress stared at the tipped over piece. Technically she had won, the woman would have regardless of what he did. She felt cool leather on her chin, and a tug, causing the queen to stare at the man.

"You, especially you, don't get to tell me what to fucking do." He spat out angrily, his nails digging into the skin of her jaw. She raised an eyebrow, reaching her own hand up, her sharpened navy nails clutching the strings of his hoodie, yanking his neck down forcefully to her level.

"I am the Queen of this country. I'll tell you what I fucking want to, and you'll fucking listen. We had a deal Dream, and it's time for you to uphold your end." Cypress spat out roughly, shoving the man off of her. Dream was surprised to say the least, he knew the woman to be a lot calmer, not so much rough. He rubbed his neck and fixed the strings on his hoodie.

"I'll be leaving."He muttered, grabbing onto his axe, watching the woman walk over to her throne, before sitting down. Her eyes were steely, staring at him as if daring him to go against her. Deciding it was wise to just obey, he left the room. Sapnap had walked past him into the castle, causing the green hoodied man to start at his old friend.

"Sapn-" The ravenette kept walking. Dream saw his former friend greet the Queen with a tight hug. He sucked in a breath, anger filling his veins.


Sapnap sat down on the arm rest of her throne. Seeing as Cypress was a closer friend of his, he had no regrets ignoring his former friend.

"Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity and Ranboo left today." The male filled her in, picking at the skin around his nails. The woman beside him hummed rubbing her face carefully.

"You'd think L'Manberg would stop causing problems, things just died down with the Tommy situation." Sapnap nodded in agreement, before reaching down and ruffling her hair affectionately. To him, the woman felt like family. He had always been protective of her despite being younger. He remembered when she first joined L'Manberg, the burning of the forest. When Dream and him were friends. The man wasn't upset, moreso disappointed that years of friendship was tossed away because of a child's disks. Eret came into the room, rubbing his eyes.

"Dream left?" He asked questionably, seeing the knocked over chess pieces. He'd hate to admit, but the woman seemed to fit the throne much better than him. Of course he sacrificed so much to sit upon the throne, only for it to be stripped away from him. He was aware his former war friend had no clue Dream was going to dethrone him and give her the crown. The silver crown neatly sat upon her head suited her.

"He did, had a little rage quit." The woman spoke, a small smile rested on her face, listening to the rushing fountain a bit aways from the throne room. Sapnap let out a small chuckle, his gaze moving to the entrance where Karl was panting, his hands on his knees.

"Tubbo. Technoblade."He gasped out tiredly. Cypress raised her eyebrow, pushing herself off the throne.

"Why would Techno be in L'manberg." 

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