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Note: Seeing as we are now getting into Tommy's exile, things are going to get decently rough. Please remember this is all a roleplay, and they go by scripts.

From this point on, all chapters are going to contain the same tw/cw. It might not apply to the certain chapter, but it's a catch all.

Tw/cw: **POSSIBLE**
Suicidal thoughts, depression,  self harm, panic attacks, blood, cursing,  yelling

Im very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience this because I didn't provide good enough warnings.  This is not a very light on the mind arc.

Please be aware of this, Thank you.
Seeing as some of the streams are kind of filled with the same stuff, some chapters might seem a bit repetitive, it's meant to be like this.


Tommy, Ghostbur, Ghostess and Dream had finally made it to their little 'holiday' island. Dream dropped them off, gently lifting the ghost up, making sure she didn't touch the water. The man had been angry, pissed, which explained him snapping at her. It seemed to have worked though, she was docile, sticking close to his side until he allowed them to go off into the plains.

"So. This is where you'll be staying."He commented, watching Tommy working on getting supplies.
"Before I leave... uhh" He paused for a second, digging a hole,"Put your stuff in the pit."

"What? This is my stuff, you can't just take it." Ghostbur looked a the hole before starting to throw his objects in.
"You two, put your stuff in the pit. If you don't I'll just kill you." The man took one swing at Cypress' son, before started putting his belongings in the pit.

Dream looked at her expectantly, when she hesitated, he lifted the side of his mask, only showing her his face. She blinked before quickly emptying her pockets, a bittersweet warmth filling her once he gave her a satisfied smile. Of course she'd never tell him she kept her axe. It was practically apart of her. It lasted from the first war, up until exile. Tommy looked defeated.

The green hooded man lit a stick of tnt, before tossing it into the hole, successfully destroying the belongings of the teen and the two ghosts.

"Well, I'll leave you uh, three to get settled in. Welcome to your new home." Dream held in a laugh, before he gripped onto his trident, jumping into the water and then he was gone. Ghostbur was the first to speak.

"I want a little shack."He decided, pausing before turning to Tommy, a huge grin on your face.
"Tommy."The teen hummed,"Dream forgot to take these~"

Cypress let out a small snort, pulling out her own weapon. Tommy blinked at his ghost mom, a small smile making its way to his face.

"We'll be okay."


As days went by, Logstedsire was slowly being built up. Cypress held Ghostbur decorate the best she could, bringing in chairs and helping create the oven. Tommy had been mining, seeing as the two ghosts weren't actually able to be injured, they didn't need armor or anything.

Cypress was in the process of scrubbing Technoblade's coat clean, one of her hands were tightly gripped onto her leg, creating nail idents. Phil's fishing trips had gotten her more comfortable with water, but full on touching it made her body slightly shake.

"You need help there?" A voice asked, causing the woman's eyes to widen. To the side of her was the pinkette, he had his normal armor on, quickly taking it off to show her his outfit. It reminded her of their Antarctic Empire clothing. She paused for a second, watching him move onto his knees beside her, gently scrubbing the dirt and blood away from his own coat. The pinkette knew of her fear from Phil, who had been constantly filling him in.

"W-Wow.. You're? You're here?" She whispered, still in a bit of shock. Her body always felt warmer around her friend.

"Yeah i'm here to bully your son."He admitted, wringing out the red fabric. Once he was done, he set it up to dry before gently taking her wrist, pulling the ghost into him. Cypress blinked a few times, before tucking her head into the fur of his new blue coat.

"Sorry to disappoint, but you can't have to blue one."He joked, squeezing her tighter into him. She fell into the hug blissfully, he was so warm. If she was Icarus, he was her sun. A few crystalline, sea colored tears made its way down her face as she snuggled further into him.

"I missed you."He spoke gently, moving himself back so he was laying against the tree, the ghost practically in his lap. The pinkette felt her body shake.

"I missed you too Techno."She gently said, her voice slightly muffled. He pressed a kiss to her black hair, breathing in softly. The entire experience was serene. He'd never had a connection like this with another person, and by far her and Phil were the only people he had soft spots for. Being with her reminded him of the day where he slaughtered half of the people in L'Manberg because of her death. He had almost killed Niki. That day, Technoblade was upset, beyond that, he was in pure agony. 

"How have you been holding up?" Cypress asked, unmoving. The pinkette chuckled slightly, before starting to run his fingers through her hair. It didn't feel like it used to, it was like an ectoplasm, but the comfort factor was still there.

"I retired actually."He said, a proud grin forming on his face, amusement pouring into his expression once the woman hugging him let out a laugh.

"Yeah, okay, I doubt that. You're Technoblade, My Technoblade, You don't retire."She joked. He felt his heart hum, he was truly her Technoblade, and he'd always remain that way. Phil and him had been doing extensive research on resurrection. The most they had found were sacrificial rituals, but both of them were against it. The repercussions could tear someone apart, and leave them mindless. Neither of the men wanted to take that chance. Until they found a better way, there simply wasn't a way.

"Well, I'll be back in a few seconds okay? I gotta go make fun of Tommy."He spoke with a laugh, pressing another kiss to her cheek before standing up. Cypress tilted her head slightly, before jumping into the monarch for another hug. The man rolled his eyes, hugging back before pulling away.

"I'll see you soon M'Lady."He joked, before going to find Tommy.

"I love you."

"I love you too Cy, I'll be back."


I gave you guys a sweet chapter. Thank me now.

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