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Dadza :D
Hope you guys are having a nice day! I think I might do an mcc side story first, that was requested a bit? What should the teams be?(Mainly for the characters in the smp that participate.)


The ghost was carefully curled into Dream's left side, her face digging into the green of his hoodie. He looked down for a second, carefully running his hand down her hair, in some attempt to comfort her. When the rain poured down harder onto her home, she would dig further into the warmth of his embrace, if that was possible. The man was looking at the fireplace, his mask was half on, half off. The woman requested that it was off for comfort reasons, but seeing as she wasn't exactly looking, he put it back on.

A knock at the door startled him, he patted the ghosts head, before pushing himself up, walking to the door. Cypress had sat up, her body still tinted a soft orange, her 'hair' was a bit tangled but after a few seconds it slowly returned to its normal state.

"Who's at the door?"She asked, now hugging onto a nearby pillow, her friends cape draped over it. Dream shrugged, before opening the door. At her doorstep was her friends Dad, they had met once, so it wasn't that strange. Phil gave a small wave, before stepping in not caring about what Dream said. Something about the taller man made him feel off, so he decided to disregard the leader completely.

"Ghostess,"He greeted, moving to sit by her after removing his shoes. Parts of his clothes were drenched, mainly his hat. Cypress looked up for a few seconds, before reaching over the couch, pulling out a white towel with ducks on it. She offered him the towel, which he gratefully took and began patting himself dry.
"Dream, mind leaving us alone for a while? I'd like to speak to her, alone."

Dream seemed irked, before nodding and walking out into the pouring rain, away from the home. Phil gave her a gentle smile, before sitting in front of the fireplace, patting the ground beside him for the ghost.

"What brings you here Phil? I haven't seen you since, well, the-" Phil set a hand on her shoulder.

"The Antarctic Empire, that was so long ago, you and Techno really should've stopped by at some point. I know i'm not home all of the time, but I sent him letters when I was." Cypress looked at her hands, before raising her gaze up to the flickering flames.

"What'd you want to talk about? I might not be so well versed in some topics discussing my memories, but I'll try to be useful." Phil blinked a few times in confusion. He took her hand in his.

"You don't have to be useful, you don't owe anyone that."

"But Dream- I owe him things right?"

"You don't owe anyone anything. You're not 'useful' because you shouldn't be being used in the first place. Every so often, we should have a little talk."Phil suggested, rubbing where her knuckles popped out from her hands.

"That way whatever is happening in your mind, we can get a hold of, make sure it doesn't get too bad. But I wanted to talk about well, how you've been. Passing away must have been pretty rough, Ghostbur voiced his concerns actually. See, he's not too bright when it comes to the memories that upset him in life, he wondered if it was the same for you. I also,"Phil dug into his pocket, handing her a list of various coordinates, as well as a compass.

"Before Techno left, he wanted you to have a way to find us. I don't plan on sticking around here, so I'll be with Techno. You're always welcome to stay with us."

Cypress gently took the compass from her, her eyes looking a bit brighter as she shifted around watching the needle spin to point in the direction she was facing.

"Thank you Phil, it really means a lot."She felt a kiss being pressed to the temple of her head. The man had always reminded her of a father, much like her own. Seeing as they grew pretty close during their 'taking over the world for like an hour' situation, they already acted like family.

"How about you come fishing with me? You can bring an umbrella, but we can work on the fear of water, mainly rain." Phil suggested, yet again, it seemed as if was trying to distract her from something. It was definitely working.

"Fishing? That'd be nice, I've never fished."She commented, earning a small laugh from the older man.

"We can go right now?" He offered, she slowly nodded, taking his outstretched hand, which pulled her up. Phil walked over to the bin she had, which contained things like umbrellas, gloves, snow pants. It was winter, which meant it'd start snowing soon. Unfortunately, it was too warm, which explained the rain. Phil reached down and grabbed a maroon umbrella, which seemed fitting for the woman, before slowly opening her door.

Cypress flinched once the thunder crashed again, but she slowly stepped outside, quickly putting her umbrella up.

"Hold onto my coat."He was being gentle with her, after seeing her hands fist around his coat, he began walking, the ghost following hesitantly. Phil had met the woman one other time, when they took over the world, and that entire experience was a pleasant one for him. They really had bonded due to the three of them being stuck in the arctic with only fires, coats, and each other to keep warm. Dream had done something to the woman, he could tell. 

Even though she had just died, her mannerisms were different, not like Ghostbur's, or how anyone in George's castle described though. She seemed frightened and unsure. He was positive the man said something to her, forcing her mind into such a fragile, uncertain state.

"We're almost there."He spoke to her, causing the ghost to look slightly up. They was about an inch difference in their height. Cypressed slowly nodded, holding onto his coat tighter once they made it to a pond. It wasn't that deep, but you could see fish swimming.

"Go on and put that down, the trees cover us pretty well."

"How do you fish Phil? I've never fished." The man looked at her with a raised eyebrow, she had definitely fished before. He handed her a fishing pole once her umbrella was down, watching her try to shrink into his sons coat.

"So you cast it,"He cast his own, the hook sinking into the water.
"And you wait a little bit for a little dug, reel it in every so often." Phil paused for a few seconds, before handing her his pole.

"When you feel a tug, reel it in." Cypress waited for around a minute, gently tugging the pole towards her. Phil had cast another line, working on catching his own fish.
Techno had asked him to protect her whenever he could, Ghosts mental barriers are very soft and easily manipulated, so he was here to help strengthen those barriers. Fishing was one of the most patient and peaceful things you could do, especially with the ambience in the background.

"Phil! Phil look I got one!"She cheered, holding up a small cod, making a grin form on his face. He was proud of the woman.

"Nice job Cypress, im proud of you." He noticed a grin form on her face, the fear ebbing away. He tested using her birth name, and seeing no reaction of displeasure from it, he decided he was fine to call her that.

"I want to catch another."

"Do you remember how to cast it? I can show you again if you want." he moved to take her pole, pulling away when she shook her head quickly. Cypress quickly cast her line back out, looking a lot more peaceful.

"Hey Phil?"


"Thank you."


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