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tw/cw: cursing

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

I am being nice yet again, this is a record :)

Kinda spicy ig

Also I got sick while writing this so please be nice


"The kid is not going to learn our language in a day."

"He'll know how to say hello, and goodbye, and I love you, I'm sorry, I forgive you, and no and yes. The only things you ever really need." Cypress chastised, sitting cross-legged in front of the hybrid, much like himself, who looked up to her in pure glee.

"Cy, it took me forever to learn how to speak." Techno informed, sitting in an arm chair a tiny bit aways.

"That's because you're stubborn, and incompetent." The pinkette almost spit coffee lips, tapping on his chest in order to soothe the burn and sputtering noises which erupted from his throat.

"Michael, honey, can you say incompetent." Cypress said the word slowly, exaggerating certain noises so the child could get the hang of it.

"in.. com.." Michael began mimicking what the woman was saying his brow bones furrowing inwards, showing his frustration.

"You got it! Keep going, you're doing great." The ravenette had taught him the abc's before hand, the child was nearly four from what Ranboo had told her, so he managed to pick up on the sounds very easily.

"Incompletentnt.." Michael stuttered out, holding tightly onto his dark blue overalls.

"You're so close, want me to say it with you?" She offered, reaching down and grasping onto his hand, it was much like Technoblade's, she noticed, just smaller. The pig nodded, a small subtle oink in its wake.

"in.." She started, the pig following.
"Comp." She began the next section of the word, the pig once again repeating what she said.
"Tent!. Incompetent."

"Incompetent!" Michael felt as if there were stars in the tall woman's eyes, he felt warm, realizing the warmth was from the gentle arms encasing him in a hug.

"This is called a hug, you wrap your arms around someone to show you care about them, and that you love them." She explained, feeling the small child relax in her arms, before wrapping his own around her mid section. They didn't reach around her entire being, but it was close enough, and it made her heart melt.

"You're replacing me." Techno muttered, crossing one leg over the other. Michael pulled away, turned to stare at the man before lifting his arm up, and pointing.

"Incompetent." The kid said flatly, causing laughter to burst from Cypress' chest, echoing through the living room they all sat in. The pinkette, stood up without another word, set his coffee down, before squatting down in front of the smaller.

"You are an anathema to me." 

"Techno that's not nice." Cypress leaned forwards, jutting her elbow against his shins.

"He- but you- This kid just called me incompetent." He complained, pointing down at the kid. Techno was near 7'2, being a foot taller than Cypress, and nearly four than Michael.

"He's just a kid Techno." She mocked, turning to look at Michael, who just stuck his tongue out at the large man.


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