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Im debating on Ghostpress, Ghostess, or like Cyghost.

The next chapter or two is purely reactions and stuff, so there's that warning. I regained feeling in my hand, my wrist up is still sorta numb, but I felt like writing :D


Technoblade slowly lead the ghost back to the now blown up L'Manberg.

"Cy."He started, gently stopping her before the blown up area came into view.
"I can't go with you. They hate me, i'm going into hiding for a while, Phil will be around, but he's staying with me as well." The pinkette breathed a sigh, pressing a chaste kiss onto her lips. She looked confused for a second, before giving him one back.

"Will I see you again?"She asked, tilting her head slightly. If he wasn't so introverted, maybe he would've commented on how slightly cute it was. He nodded, pulling her into a gentle hug, before letting go.

"Take care of Ghostbur for me, I hate his guts, but he's still my only family."He asked, holding up his pinky out, she linked her translucent one with his. Giving Cypress a soft smile, he unbuckled his famous coat, before draping it over her shoulders. It definitely stood out due to her translucency, but it fit her just the same. His friend blinked, fisting the red fabric, curling into the warmth that remained. She was so cold.

"Thank you."She thanked softly, now fiddling with the gold chains that secured it.
"I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you, or at least, your ghost. It's comforting in a way."He commented, giving her one last tight hug, being able to squeeze harder due to the barrier between her ghost skin and himself. Once he let go, he turned around, decided he would retrieve his best friends body, before walking back to Pogtopia to retrieve his things. He would leave after that.

Cypress waited until her friends form to retreat into the trees, before gently stepping towards her blown up nation. She didn't feel anything towards it exactly, it was just a quiet numbing. Her steps were silent, seeing as they weren't even steps at all, there were no crinkles of leaves beneath her feet, as if they sort of just floated across the ground. Her skin seemed a bit paler, a grey-yellow tint mixed in. It made her hands look funny.

She continued walking, looking at the occasional animal that didn't seem to mind her presence, they never ran, they would just sit and stare at her for a few seconds until she continued walking. Cypress felt nervous. Not only was she supposed to be dead, but she was also a ghost.

"Cypress?" A rougher voice called out, a few paces away stood Sapnap, Karl and Quackity. She thought those were their names at least. She blinked a few times.
"Is that you? We heard you we-" Karl cut Sapnap off with a nudge to the shoulder. Sapnap hadn't realized she was a ghost, and slowly noticed as she walked closer. Memorizing how his sister figure's feet didn't leave imprints in the grass.

Quackity was looking at the ground, his face pale. He looked about ready to throw up. He didn't want to accept that she was dead. It scared him in all honesty. She had been murdered by her own leader, someone she trusted. His death had been very quick, and his first one still rested heavy on his mind. He couldn't imagine the stress of dying three times, before being brought back to the very people who caused those deaths.

"I'd prefer Cy."She corrected gently, once she was within arms distance, the trio finally got a good look at their dead friend. Technoblade's red coat rested along her body, but her skin was transparent yellow, and her nose and eyes looked like they were constantly running with seawater. Sapnap looked at her in pity, before bringing the woman as gently as he could into his arms.

"I'm so sorry we weren't there to help you."He apologized, the woman reminded him of a sister, that's what he considered her anyways. Everyone around her seemed to think of her as some kind of family member, whether it be a mom, aunt, sister, a daughter. Karl moved to embrace her as well, holding in his tears. He didn't think it'd be right to cry in front of her.

"I don't remember all of it if that helps?" Cypress, Cy, informed, wrapping her tinted arms around the two.
"Do you want a hug too Quackity?" She seemed a bit confused,"You're Quackity right? and you're Sapnap, and Karl?" Her memory wasn't the best they deduced. It was a lot better than Ghostbur's, so they'd take the confusion with open arms.

Quackity gave her a forced smile, watching Sapnap and Karl pull away from her. He really had missed the woman. She had only been dead for a few hours, but her absence impacted so many people. Phil had been with Tommy and Tubbo the entire night, trying to get them to eat. They both seemed so dead. or, not as lively. Quackity decided calling someone dead was an insult if a ghost was opening her arms to him.

He blinked a few tears away, stepping into her arms. It still felt like her, but she was freezing. The man could tell holding something alive made her feel nice, she seemed to almost lean into him as they hugged.
"I'm sorry, I can pull away."She apologized, moving back, Quackity grabbed the red coat around her, pulling the woman into his arms.

"You're cold right?" He guessed, earning a small nod from the woman,"Let's go to L'Manberg, we'll find a fire or something you can sit by." after another nod, he slowly gripped onto her translucent hands, it was strange, but feeling her hand was enough comfort.

"What don't you all remember?"Karl piped up, walking to the right of Sapnap, who was on the other side of Cy. They heard her hum lightly.

"Bits and pieces of my memory are gone, I find it hard remembering names? My deaths I can barely remember, small snippets from them."She paused, thinking for a few seconds,"I don't remember much from Pogtopia, that's what it was called right? Techno mentioned it before he left." another pause,"I remember some stuff with you guys though, Tommy and Tubbo. Niki, not much of the man with the white eyes, or the goat horned guy. I saw a torn up flier."

Sapnap gave a small look towards Quackity. Despite her being dead, she seemed, a lot younger they guessed. Perhaps the gaps in her memory allowed for space to be how she used to. War was a heavy thing to bare, especially dying in one. The trauma could have built up over time, and once she had died, her brain might have possibly intentionally forgotten memories to spare her the pain of remembering.

"Where is Tommy and Tubbo?" She asked, swinging her arms a little. Sapnap was the one who answered.

"I'm pretty sure they're at castle, a lot of people ended up taking sanctuary there because of the explosions."

"Could we go see them? I want to speak to them again."Cypress looked up, the sun didn't do much for warmth anymore, it helped a little, but seeing as she had no skin, it warmed up the material of her clothing.

Sapnap gently squeezed her hand. Ghostbur was sticking around Tommy and Tubbo currently, and he didn't want to stress his friend out.

"Are you sure? We could always go find Dream or George? Fundy and Eret, the fox and the man with the white eyes, were pretty close to you?"

Cypress hummed again, before shaking her head.

"I think seeing my sons is my top priority. I'd like to see them Snapnap."She spoke, earning a small laugh from the other two, realizing she hadn't intentionally messed up his name. The dark haired man shook his head, a small smile gracing his face.

"We can go see them."

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