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tw/cw: , existential themes, abusive/manipulative behavior, cursing, suggested assault.

I'm very serious about this guys, if any of this, even a tiny bit, makes you feel the slightest bit weird, uncomfortable, anything. Stop reading. Don't read the chapters with these warnings. I do in fact give them for a reason, and I'd hate for any of you to experience anything negative because I didn't provide good enough warnings.

This chapter gets heavier into the last topic, please, please be careful of this. I sort of base this off my own feelings/experiences. It's a horrible topic, and im always here if anyone feels how im portraying to be.

I love you guys, so be careful for me


For the past day or two, Dream had done almost whatever he wanted. Cypress had never left her dead son's side, unless the imprisoned man did something that required her to move away. She felt dirty. Not so much because of not bathing, moreso underneath her skin. Her entire being felt dirtied and guilt weighed heavy on her mind. At first, it was only simple touches, squeezing her shoulder, fingers tangled in her hair, and then it moved to more dangerous touches, ones she hoped her scattered mind would soon forget.

Dream had her head planted in his lap, quietly soothing the young woman. Cypress had enough experiences to know that letting it happen was the easiest solution. She would do anything for Tommy to be back, of course part of her hoped it didn't work, and that he could finally be at some sort of peace with himself. Sam had called over to her the middle of the first day, asking if she was okay. Of course, there was no possible way the warden could bring her back to the outside world, so she simply agreed she would be fine for a while, at least until she was able to be reunited with Techno.

Cypress hoped that the pinkette wouldn't be too angry with her once she told him what Dream had done. Parts of her conscious weighed down her thoughts with doubts. Would Techno even believe her? Deciding to think about it later, she felt Dream's unbroken fingers pause.

"Do you think in another world we ended up together?" He questioned, now picking at the congealed and dried blood at the base of his nails. Two of them had been torn off in a few of Cypress' fits of grief and anger, leading to the woman practically torturing the man whenever any outburst of emotion occurred. Dream hadn't minded too much, surprisingly. He made constant comments on how she was just hurting herself, and while he retained the physical burden, she carried the mental one.

"If you hadn't murdered me and my family several times, maybe." She answered quietly, her eyes closed, waiting for him to return his hands. It felt like he was petting her, as if she was some sort of toy, a pet that he could throw out or kick whenever he pleased.

"I remember when I first killed you. Morbid, I know, but it's the biggest regret I have in my life." Dream paused,"I loved you, in the past. You're one of the only people I thought of in a romantic sense." 

Cypress blinked a few times, feeling his hand being placed back into her hair, petting it yet again, brushing through the tangled and matted strands.

"We were friends, I don't know if I loved you. Maybe in some way." 

Dream hummed, lightly scratching her scalp before moving back to pet her.
"Back then, I confused romantic for platonic love. I was sort of obsessed. I guess I am now too, hell I killed your son to prove I was right and because I knew you'd make your way into my prison cell. Maybe part of me wanted to make amends with you."

"I don't think that will happen for a while." She spoke, feeling him shift so he was sitting more comfortably,

"Yeah? We're tied until the ends of time, so I guess I have a while to make it up to you, right?"

"Maybe, I don't know how long either of us will be alive." She took a glance at the golden clock slowly ticking. Sam had gifted them another one.
"But, if you think you can fix what you've done, be my guest. I'll tell you how far you get to forgiveness."

Dream carefully pulled her head up, her eyes were still closed.
"Look at me." he demanded,  Cypress opening her eyes to look at his emerald ones.
"Just... let me." He requested, moving his face closer to hers. Her nose scrunched up, and she quickly dodged her head away.

"Cy, c'mon jus-" The man was met with an elbow to the face, he groaned, hearing her groan in response, both adults clutching their nose.

"Let me." He harshly spoke, moving to stand himself up, making his way towards the woman.

"Dream, stay the fuck away from me, or I'll kill you." Cypress threated, backing herself to the corner of the room where the lectern was. 

"You won't kill me. Tommy won't be back." He reached his hand out, pressing his palm to her cheek, forcing the woman to look at him.
"You know you won't fight it. So just give in to what I want. The faster you obey, the faster I bring back someone you love."

Cypress breathed out a disgusted sigh.
"Please, can I just.. have a little bit, alone. please." She begged, placing her palm onto Dream's chest, pushing him as much as her weakened being allowed it. He moved closer, shifting his weight, feeling her knees hit the back of the lectern. There were a few seconds of silence before he leaned it, half brushing her lips with his own.

"You aren't mine." He spoke, before pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek, backing away with a sigh.

"You aren't mine, and even still you move me in such a way that I lose all control of myself."

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