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Notice this chapter and how I forgot to change the chapter headers to a Queen instead of King. It was a bit dramatic but you'll get it, no worries :D

tw/cw: Cursing

Dude I felt so much energy from this chapter, like *top* energy, Im gonna love this character arc, and hopefully you do too :).


Cypress definitely wasn't fully healed, but with enough recovery 'therapy' as Niki worded it, she could now walk and run, doing normal motions. Moving too much put a strain on her weakening muscles, but Sapnap and Karl have been assisting with workouts to get her back to a good physical condition. Her deal with Tubbo was that once she was fully healed, she would leave L'Manberg, or Manberg, and go find Wilbur and Tommy until further notice. Cypress agreed as long as there was someone to look after her pet pig, as well as keep Tubbo safe. Those were here only two requests at the end of the day.

Karl was the one who offered to watch over the house, and of course asked if Sapnap and Quackity could stay with him for company. The black haired reluctantly agreed, which had caused the three to cheer. 

Today however, she was spending as much time with Niki and Tubbo as possible. It wasn't the safest option to visit them when she could, so they all decided against it. For the past day or so, she had been cooking nonstop, making sure she'd have enough food for Tommy, Wilbur, and hopefully Technoblade if he ever went to help the two males. After the soup was done, which could be eaten cold or heated, she'd be heading over to help Niki, but today Niki ended up coming to her bawling her eyes out.

"F-Fundy.. H-He-"Niki hiccuped out, clinging onto her friend, sobbing her eyes out, Cypress gently wrapped her arms around the younger, resting her chin on Niki's head.

"What happened?"She asked calmly, as of her recovery, her voice was still raspy, which caused her to speak in a more monotone voice in order to preserve her vocal cords. Most of her friends knew this, and didn't hold it against her.

"Fundy's burning down the flag."Niki whispered softly, trying to calm herself. Cypress blinked a few times, before moving the pair slightly towards the window so she could see outside. Her gaze and jaw hardened."Stay here."She said softly, guiding Niki to the couch."I'll be right back." her friend nodded, looking at the floor. Cypress walked towards the door, gripping the axe she was famously seen with plenty of times now.

It took a few minutes, but she saw Fundy with a flint in steel in his hand, lighting as much of the flag aflame as possible, his left ear twitched and he spun around quickly, flinching when he saw the harsh gaze of his friend meet his eyes.

"So, Fundy. What are you doing?"Cypress asked calmly, resting her axe inside her sleeves, which concealed the weapon perfectly. She leaned her weight onto one foot. Thankfully, she was able to put on her traditional clothing, her white robe, which tied at the waist and reaches her ankles, the sleeves were long, the ends of every piece of fabric being slightly translucent. Bandages were still wrapped around her neck for precaution, but from Fundy's perspective they made her look even more terrifying. He knew it wasn't wise to go against her, she was the one who taught them the basics of fighting, only the basics. Sometimes she'd go into more detail, but she was withholding so many techniques from the original group. Fundy could never know why, it annoyed him. He did so much digging, he never found any connection. 

Fundy never found a family name, when he thought about it, she never mentioned a last name, or a family, or where she came from. She just appeared and helped L'Manberg win the war. He had thought over this constantly as soon as the war ended, he couldn't seem to leave her though, her presence was warm and inviting, motherly. It caught almost anyone and drew them to her, and that pissed him off. Never in a million years would he actually even attempt to hurt her.

At some point, when she trained alone, he could barely see her swings, they were so fluid and he dared to say that she had every full intent on getting hurt at the final control room. She could've easily taken down Shlatt, but she never did. He had learned one thing about her in the few months of knowing Cypress. She's was way too patient for her own good. She waited, he'd barely saw her ever strike first unless there were moments of silence between whoever she was fighting. Cypress as a whole confused the fox.

"Want to tell me why you're burning Niki's flag down? L'Manberg's flag down?"Cypress asked, walking towards the fox, her face was stern, and he couldn't help but feel he just commited the worst crime he'd ever committed.

"Its Manberg."He corrected with a scowl, he had to keep reminding himself that he was a spy, nothing mattered except JShlatt's trust in him, and he would gain that trust even if it cost him a life. Cypress lightly tutted, she was now in front of the 5'8 man, slightly towering over him. Fundy had heard of her injuries which she'd received from Shlatt, but he didn't expect her to recover this soon. Something about her had changed, her overall presence was the same, but even he could tell something unstable was lying beneath her skin. Something seemed off, whether this act was intentional or not, there was something.

"Tell me Fundy,"She started, her smile like a loaded gun,"Who possesses the most power on a chess board, in terms of pieces."Fundy paused, looking up at the woman, gulping as quietly as he could.

"A, uh, A queen."He muttered, feeling the heat of the flag starting to fan at his back, causing him to lightly sweat. Cypress hummed.

"That's right, a queen."She took a small breath, a smile making its way back onto her face,"Kneel Fundy."She says simply, her tone not giving any slack, it wasn't a request, an order. He followed them, there were was no room for arguments,"It's ironic Fundy, isn't it. How the king rules the kingdom, but is by far the weakest and most vulnerable piece on the board. Tell me."She paused, looking at him,"Will anyone believe you when you tell them about this interaction? That a helpless little girl threatened you until you were kneeling at her feet." Cypress breathed deeply again, the scent of smoke filling her lungs.

"I'm a very, very peaceful person Fundy. I do not hurt those that don't deserve it, but let's get this clear now."She paused, looking up at the flames, her grin widening.

"I don't give a fuck if im painted as the villain, Fundy. Every single one of my moves, my actions, are calculated. Even this one. So go be a good little spy and betray the people who love and care about you." He slowly looked up at the woman standing above him.

"I notice everything Fundy, I just act like I don't." Her words would probably haunt him until the day he died,

"Good Luck Fundy, I hope to see you after all of this, full of regret and guilt. You'll understand then."

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