My Love

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CONTEXT- you and woods live together and one day while lying in bed you get a nightmare and . But woods is there to protect you.  His calming voice and soothing touches. His smile and your teary eyes What a night  {WARNING MIGHT MAKE YOU FALL IN LOVE}... (just a little tip for fanfiction authors if you use you can find words that make your fanfiction sound even more romantic. ) PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK

It a rainy night as you lie in bed beside him. "good night N/N" Woods says putting his arm around your shoulder. "good night Woodsy" You say holding his hand. You go off to a peaceful dream land but suddenly everything turns dark and chilling. Your uneasy and timid soul aches for you to wake up. Thunder clashes in the background. Lightning strikes too reverting you to wake up.

 Your eyes widen as tears in your eyes form. You begin to shake nervously waking up Woods. "honey are you ok" He asks putting his hand on yours. Your heavy breathing alerts him. Your lips quiver slightly. "what's wrong" he asks with a soft but still a little jaggy from just waking up. You begin to cry, "n..nothing... j... just a uh um night..t mare" You say tearful.  He puts his arms around you tightly and holds you. Your hands covering your face in embarrassment. He gives you a tight hug. "aw baby... Nothing can hurt you as long as I'm here" he says with his arms around you. His voice calming and sympathetic. His hands warm and gentle.  "h... honey It's ok. It's ok N/N" He says still squeezing you. As he lets go he try's to remove your hands from your weeping face. You ingnore and instantly push your arms around him. He's a little shocked at first but then lightens up. Your head up against his chest. Your arms around him, griping him like your going to lose him. "there's nothing to be afraid of N/N" Woods says holding you tightly. You look up to him while tears role down your face. He wipes them away smoothly. 

Once you've calmed down he sits you up in front of him. You look at him sorrowfully. "honey..." Woods says comforting you with all his heart.  He wipes your tears away.  He moves your angelic hair away from your distressed eyes. He puts his arms around you and puts your head on his shoulder. "it's okay " Woods says softly in a muted voice with his arms still around you and his head resting on your shoulder.  You sniffle a little and move away a bit. "don't cry... everything will be ok, my love" Woods says to you helpfully.  "I I'll b... be O... k" You say trying to stay a tad bit positive. "a... are you sure, darling " he asks troubled. "yeah I'll be cool" You say. "well just to be sure-" Woods says then kissing you on the lips. His lips touch your so peacefully. A bit stunned at the start but then soften up. You put your hands around his neck and his shoulder. As you let go it feels like a heart breaking apart. "better N/N" He asks charmingly. "uh... y...yeah W...woodsy" You say still blown away by the fact that you just got kissed. He cushions up your pillow as says almost in a whisper, " let's go to sleep my Love". He lays down beside you facing you. You lay down beside him as he smiles at you so sweetly. You smile back as he moves the hair out of your eyes. "good night, Darling" He says rubing his fingers on your (freckles, dimples etr.) "good night my sweet, sweet Woodsy" you say to him lovingly. You travel back to the same dreamland and sleep the night away.

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